I can’t

@simpleinchrist1 What meds have you tried? The right fit med-wise shouldn’t make you feel totally emotionally blunted.

Do you live in the US?

The website Open Path Collective has high quality low-fee therapists. Or if you search for a community mental health clinic where they train AMFTs or ACSWs it can be as low as $25! Look into it!

I hope you feel better soon. The dark times don’t last forever even if it feels that way sometimes.
@ayinyesh Seroquil & something else . I can’t remember the name . I stopped them cold turkey a while ago . I’m supposed to be on two different ones. I wanna do therapy but I don’t want to like physically go into a location . I have like zero motivation to leave my house.
@simpleinchrist1 Hi momma! I got to this point while I was pregnant and actually started therapy to save myself. For the longest I didn’t want to go but I use TalkSpace and I LOVE my therapist. My insurance covers it entirely, I don’t even have a copay. My sessions are all video sessions. If you’re not up for video sessions just yet you can do live messaging sessions and get immediate responses or you can just use the regular messaging session which allows you to message back and forth with your therapist (responses won’t always be immediate) for an entire week at a time. Hope this helps! Keep your head up momma!
@simpleinchrist1 Ah yeah might not even be the right category of med. Most therapists prefer Zoom / FaceTime these days anyway! It works just as well. I sure don’t leave the house for therapy 😌
@simpleinchrist1 Seroquil…yuck! No wonder you stopped taking it. I was walking into door frames & caught myself just standing there in the middle of the room for several minutes without reason. Plane old fluoxetine worked better than anything for me. I felt normal.

Little kids seem to have an aimless curiosity sometimes. I learned to keep everything messy & expensive out of reach or in a locked cabinet. If a child is being quiet, immediately go see what they're getting into!

Look up your local human resource agency. They can help you in several ways. They have funding to help pay utilities, transportation, daycare, and they have a list of food pantries. Please take advantage of this public service. Your taxes help to fund this agency, so you should accept everything you're qualified to receive.
Best wishes!
@simpleinchrist1 My ex wife set me up. I can't contest her in court. I can't do anything but drink my pain away at this point. I have had custody of the kids for 5 months and still owe her child support. She moved an hour away and I can't afford gas to co parent. I've turned to alocohol, I don't know any other alternative.
@simpleinchrist1 You can do it. Everything gets better just take it day by day. 1) search free parent support groups in your area or places that have free events for kids so maybe you can meet some other parents. 2) for sure find and use your local food bank. Most communities have one and they typically have food, formula and sometimes diapers/pull ups. Use this as long as you need to get back on your feet 3) department of health & human services in your area should have a list of other kinds of resources in your area, or you can google “free child and parent resources _____” ;whatever city you’re in. 4) remember your child needs you and some frustrating things are just no one’s fault. Give yourself credit for all the things you are doing well. For instance, you care and sound very responsible! Hang in there
@simpleinchrist1 You’re not alone. I feel like I could have written this post myself. I’m defeated…I’m hopeless. I’m a good person. I don’t mean to be angry with God but yet I am. I thought he had been than what you pictured for yourself…? So where is it? I’m tired of these trials. 😭😭
@simpleinchrist1 Trust me you are not alone ❤️once you get that all out of you dust yourself off and ask the Lord to give strength and look at the one who depends on you and smiles because you are supermom to him and the love he gives to you will be better than any other human will ever return to you we have good days and bad days but as a mother, we are strong to handle it all so it's okay to feel that way the key is don't stay that way it gets better that's a promise for one single mom to another who shares the same shoes ❤️ I didn't understand that it is only a process that gets better so it's okay sometimes we have to go to the kid and ask for a huge it helps with that being said I'm sending 🙏🏽 to you and a huge because you are his role model so smile and stand because this will pass to a good mother from a good mother pat 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽yourself on back and here are your 🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😇your angel has been sent in Jesus name it's done ❤️
@simpleinchrist1 Been there. It gets somewhat easier the older the child gets and more independent they are. But i know that doesn’t help for right now.. I started therapy and antidepressants when my son was 5 and I honestly think it saved my life. Hang in there your son needs you ❤️
@simpleinchrist1 I hear this 💔 I’m there mentally and emotionally every other day. But you have to pull yourself and continue. Think where your baby will be without you. Every time you want to give up, think of your baby and continue on. I dont have much support either, but I’ve found support in a few people even if it’s bait to hangout and talk about nothing important. It eases my mind. Where are you located if you don’t mind me asking? I’m always wanting friends and to build friendships! I don’t have many friends. I’m usually alone besides my neighbor who has been a support for me during my divorce. I’m in Indiana, close to KY and OH.
@simpleinchrist1 I know how you're feeling . I'm a single Mom, and it's rough. Just know you're not always going to be alone. They say time heals wounds but really, it makes you stronger than most.... maybe angry, but life is a Roller coaster. You will have good days and, unfortunately, bad days up and down throughout life .But just know this bad will pass it's not always rainbows and butterflies. I know you are strong and will overcome this 💪 I like to believe and have faith that only the strong are put thru these struggles because we can get thru it tears , scars, sorrows. But you will make it
@simpleinchrist1 Do you work?

Are you getting on medicine?

If not, start with both of those. I say this with respect and love, but the headspace you are in is not good for anyone including your children. You CAN get better.

If the medicine you were on made you feel nothing, work with your doctor and try a different medicine. Don’t take nothing. Major depression and anxiety doesn’t just go away.

You can use shampoo, body soap, bar soap or dish soap for laundry detergent.

Sometimes we get stuck in a “woah is me” place and that’s okay for a while, but you got to start tomorrow with the attitude that you CAN do this.

Don’t view every little thing as the world shitting on you. You aren’t cursed. Kid played in the laundry detergent. You can’t change it and in a week or a month it won’t matter, so it’s not a big deal today.

Try to write down something positive every day. Tape it to your refrigerator. Slowly but surely, surrounding yourself with positivity, it will start to help your way of thinking.

I believe in you. You got this. You can do it.
@simpleinchrist1 Go for a walk outside! And then take an everything shower (head to toe not just body). While you’re in the shower tell yourself you’re rinsing off the bad day. Listen, this shit is hard okay. Yes 100%. But look, you are a bad bitch and there isn’t a goddamn thing you can’t do. Eat these problems for breakfast lunch and dinner. And say is that all you got world?? Cry when you need to!! Good times never last- neither do the bad ones.
@simpleinchrist1 I think all single parents have felt this many times over throughout raising their kids. It is hard for sure. I do agree that you need support. I would say that you should get foodstamps, it sounds like you qualify, as well as TANF. Also call your local food bank and they can help you with finding places that can help you with utilities and so forth. If you haven’t yet, you can also get help with childcare, usually they will pay 100% of it. I have a friend who is going through the same thing and she has been on long term disability due to major post partum depression, she was lucky on that front but she is still struggling pretty hard. What she does is she has her daughter in day care during the day while she is working on her college courses and HW and then she has time to herself and to clean or sleep or whatever.
Self care is the most important thing you can do for yourself right now. Take a bubble bath, set him up where you can see him if you can, with a tablet or in front of the tv and enjoy yourself for an hour or however long you can. When you make this a routine then the older he gets he will start understanding that he doesn’t interrupt your bath time. If not a bath, try reading or whatever your fancy is. Good Luck 🍀