I can’t

@simpleinchrist1 Well, I think being a parent is the most important job we’ll ever have and it requires much of our time and focus. That being said, saving time and space for ourselves in important too. I love that you have that skill as an outlet. I’m being serious when I say I’d buy them. I work a lot to support my kids, don’t have family and few friends who are able to help us much. I never find time for myself and it’s maddening. I have projects collecting dust so when I see someone who gets up and does things I’m happy for them. You’re doing great, give yourself credit for what goes right :)
@simpleinchrist1 Hello! I know single parenting is hard, very hard and sometimes you lose yourself, there you need someone who understands you…
I would be glad to help you with some talking.
@simpleinchrist1 How about this? It will get better. You obviously must know this being the mother of a two year old boy that can get to the laundry soap and rather than drink it, knows enough to pour it down the drain. And the main point, you are the mother of a eight year old daughter who does not poison herself or misuse other household cleaners laying around. You are doing so many good things. It will get better. Try and adopt a strength-based perspective, you were strong enough to raise your first child and avoid her getting seriously harmed, and decided to have a second child because you did so fabulously with the first. You have the experience, you have the proof in the shape of the first child that you can do terrific with your second. You have the strength. You have survived and surpassed worse things, and you will soon feel able to thrive again, soon.
@simpleinchrist1 I’ve seen therapy mentioned a couple times, & I think that would be beneficial. Look up your local community based mental health program & reach out to them. That will help a lot of what you’re feeling & allow you to move past some of the small stuff. That support is more beneficial than people tend to give it credit for. Also, from the outside in, take a breath. I’m a fulltime single dad & I’ve had to claw my way back from everything we went through & have finally mostly made it to where I want us to be. It takes time, patience, perseverance, & an attitude of I got this because I have to have this. You can do it, every parent has been there in one way or another. But take it one day at a time & keep moving forward. Baby steps forward are better than nothing. & don’t sweat the small stuff, if something comes up find an alternative. Think outside the box. Be creative. But don’t sweat the small stuff.
@simpleinchrist1 My name is Zella I am completely understanding what you are going through I just wanted to say that of you ever just need a ear or just need someone to scream at please feel free to text me I cam give you my number if you want I no you don't no me nor I you but I felt compelled to write I'm not a weirdo or nothing just a women with same feelings have a good day
@simpleinchrist1 It’s hard to think beyond what is so big and so disastrous right now.
You know your baby wasn’t being spiteful but they don’t know how much what they did SUCKS.
What makes you feel good? Any little thing at all. I like to lay down for a moment in the quiet and just breathe. Or, take a quick walk when I’m angry. It’s hard to see the options there and to be happy for what you have, but it can be done. One step, one day at a time. Remind yourself of your strengths and that every success is paved with failures. Today is tough but tomorrow is new, and you will find a way. One thing I do when I’m over whelmed and over stimulated stressed absolutely spent… I play. With my kids. I put my phone down, turn the tv off and get on the floor. I let them lead, I let them do what they want to do. I listen. I live in their moment and I am always so humbled. Perhaps you can find some time to spend with your child and allow yourself to see from a child’s perspective what the world looks like. If he doesn’t have laundry soap, how would he clean the clothes? Maybe you’ll learn something new. This is an impossible time. Take a breath, take a moment, for yourself, and remind yourself that you are capable. Things happen day in and day out and you will forever burn yourself out if you hate the things that drive a wedge into your momentum. Slow down. Breathe. Today is here and so are you and there is more to come. You CAN. And you will. Breathe
@simpleinchrist1 You know what. I feel ya. I normally feel this way when I’m exhausted too. You need some good sleep thats for sure. When ya wake up in the morning and see your kid you’ll feel right as rain but in the meantime… If you need money and something to look forward to there are plenty of college funded opportunities for single parents. They will give you housing allowance and pay for school. You should check it out and maybe start working towards a financially stable future?
@simpleinchrist1 Do you have any family and friends your kids could say with if you could go into a mental health treatment center to get a break? Not saying this in a judgmental way just read some of your posts. Doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you, you just seem extremely overwhelmed. Do you have decent health insurance? I know a really good one in CA I could recommend if you PM me ❤️
@ayinyesh I do honestly need to see a therapist. I’m diagnosed with/ severe depression, and anxiety . And im triggered very easily . I’m just scared to get back on meds because they make you feel nothing. Which is worse than feeling something .