I can’t

@simpleinchrist1 If you have a target near you and feel comfortable sharing your name, you can tell me what you neee (in addition to laundry detergent) and I can do an order pickup for you to go get
@simpleinchrist1 There is a Unuted Way in many communities that can connect you with services. Find the one closest to you and call them on Monday. Right now, you can call or text 211 and get help with basic services. I'm not sure how it works where you live, but in major metros, that line is usually manned bety the United Way.

More generally, try finding food banks or food pantries in your area. A lot of churches have them, and even if one doesn't, I'm sure someone will point you in the right direction.
@simpleinchrist1 I'm 40 in a couple of weeks. family too far, can't move baby dad moved 3 hrs away and books his life so he doesn't have to support the way ds needs. he's een at home over a week, it's flu RSV COVID season in Aus. can't even do sandpit because of the rain, parks are all wet. dad stopped payinnchild support 1 year ago, he earns 65,000 a year. our son is in the middle of eval for Autism and due to a runny nose, couldn't go to kinder. I have had RSV and struggling with fatigue and the 4 yr old is in a pout because routine is off. I've put all the sensory stuff we have and gave him some basic drawing classes, kereoke but it never ends. mentally taxed daily and other mums don't really have time for us. I get the whole bit. He flooded 70 % of the house a week ago by dumping out of the bath whole incident took less than 2 minutes. I was near blacking out from coughing and mopping up with every sheet, reusable nappy, towel hand towel face towel old cloth .. it took nearly a week to launder it all again. I tell myself others are trouble, mostly true. keeps me soulduring on.
@simpleinchrist1 This might be easier to say than done but, get ready for it, it is what it is. I think it’s good to vent and or have an outlet. The fact remains and tomorrow is coming. Imagine a plate that has to be filled. You have been around it all your life. You and others reside by the plate until they don’t. You have a responsibility to contribute to the plate or don’t, it’s up to you. If that plate is not maintained it is likely to break. You have lived off the plate and now it is not as maintained as it used to be. If you can bring yourself to occupy all that your feeling with this idea or something like than challenge yourself with that task for x amount of time and see where you end up. I hope you can make ends meet and grow. For now just keep going.
@simpleinchrist1 Try going for walks even if you don’t want to and find activities to distract you. Go to the doctor and start doing therapy.
Even tho the meds made you feel like they are not helping, they do.
You can do this
(As someone who overdosed last Saturday)
@simpleinchrist1 I know that feeling, I’m a single mom of 3 and boooooy kids give you a run for your money! I know this may sound like it could be a waste of time, but have you ever done the paid surveys? I’ve had to sit for a few hours and make a few extra dollars for MILK one time because my kids thought it’d be cool to waste 🤬. I used https://apps.apple.com/app/id1508335904 this app for the surveys and collected chump change. But you have to do what you gotta do to survive when it feels like you’re being sabotaged!
@simpleinchrist1 Oh momma I’m so sorry you’re going through hard times and feeling so crappy. You are not alone in your feelings. Life can be horrific at times, but it can also be beautiful. It’s not easy being a single parent and all of your feelings are 💯 valid. If you ever need to reach out for someone to talk to, don’t hesitate.
@simpleinchrist1 You're a parent. You don't get give up ever! Suck it up and put your adult pants on! Find a way to get through this! Use your brain. Figure it out. You need to be strong for your kids. You are their rock, their teacher, their parent. You can do this. Because if I can, you can. There are millions of us doing this every day. No one has all the answers.

Life pulls us down, chews us up, spits us out, burns us, and scatters us all across the world. It is up to us to put ourselves together again. No one else can do this. I've had to restart my life 4 times.

If you want advice, go and seek it.
If you want a better life, go and live it.
If you want happiness, you need to find it.

Through trial and error: my happiness was found through hiking, games with a community ( i.e. strategy games on my phone), and comedy skits on YouTube. After more than 30 jobs, I finally found the one that makes me happy and works with my schedule. Which, by the way, wasn't easy to get into considering I had no experience. But I was a big PITA by showing up every day at the same time for 7 months straight asking about my application.

I was set and bound by DETERMINATION to live a better life. Stop complaining, and go and live your better life!

chin up​

never give in​

never give up​


single parent​

@simpleinchrist1 Take a few deep breaths….. I’m 33f I’ve been thru what ur going thru (probably worse) I have four kids I also have no family or friends cuz I moved from my home town along time ago. But I promise things won’t b like this forever….. it might sound corny or whatever but if u haven’t seen the documentary “the secret “ watch it. I’m a believer it works. It’s a documentary that came out in 2007. If u need some inspiration or hope please watch it. Everything will be ok you will get thru this.
@simpleinchrist1 Get it. Got totally screwed in the divorce and now it’s everything I can do to keep myself and two teenagers above water without having a breakdown. Howling at the moon couldn’t hurt but I can’t let the kids see that, can I? It’s endless.
@simpleinchrist1 Right there my son 7 autistic I work graveyard for the last 2 years with no help from mom at all. He’s good most of the time and it has gotten better he knows about making messes and letting me sleep but when he first got here omg it was crazy. I feel for u I was behind on my rent for 2 months and food bank every week borrowing money until I got my night job even now i barely make it and just when I think I might be able to save something I need to pay insurance again or $600 to fix my car or my car dies completely and I have to come up with another $1300 or so for a decent car so I can get to work and get my son to school and pickup the babysitter. The only saving grace here is that he has a half brother and sister who will watch him while I work for cheap otherwise it’s on me. I’m sorry it will get easier
@simpleinchrist1 I am a single dad. My daughter has FAS and autism. She is 6. Her mom has not been in the picture in over 4 years and she also does not contribute financially. I also live in income based housing. 90% of the days, I also feel like giving up. I have an idea of what you are going through.
@simpleinchrist1 Have you spoken to a doctor? You might just need to balance your brain chemistry. After kids and trauma, it's normal for some of us to feel like this. But you don't have to suffer. Tell a doctor how you feel and perhaps they will get you into therapy, and maybe temporarily medication for the depression. I'm praying for you and your children.
@simpleinchrist1 Its people like you I wish I could say that everything you do and give up is appreciated although its hard I want you to know that if I was your daughter I would love and appreciate you all day everyday and would work to support you to help take the leverage off with how hard it can be

With love some random stranger on the internet
@simpleinchrist1 Completely understand and feel your pain. Just keep in the back of your mind you are not alone. We have these kids who will look up to us love us and care for us the same way we did. During the struggles. The hardships. 💕 it sucks now but there is a light at the end of the tunnel