I can’t


New member
prepare for a huge vent*

I can’t do this anymore . I am breaking down . I am so tired of everyday freaking crying & feeling tired & feeling like I dnt wanna be here nomore . It’s like as soon as life gives me a glimmer of hope SOMETHING HAPPENS . I just wanna shove my head in my pillow & not come up . My body is exhausted , my mind is exhausted & I feel like I’m losing it smh . It’s like everyone else’s life is going & mines is stopping . SMH . Today my son decided it would be cool to freaking pour all my laundry detergent down the drain . MIND you . Right now we live in INCOME based housing, I don’t have a car, TRYING TO SAVE EVERY DOLLAR I FREAKING HAVE . We dnt get food stamps . NOTHING . I have no family I can depend on . NO friends who give a shit about me cause they’re all living either good lives w/ their significant other or they are just tired of hearing how depressed and stressed I am . DUDE WTF ! I’m tired of God putting me thru challenges that I’m failing at dude . Like I can’t breathe BRO PLEASE ! I am literally on my last leg bro LITERALLY . I wish I could just get away from everyone . Like give sumone else this stupid shitty fcking life & start over . I DONT WANT THIS ONE ! IM FCKING TIRED OF DOING ALL THIS SHIT ALONE !
@simpleinchrist1 Outsider looking in, the first problem imo is not the money or income housing etc., it's the lack of community and support.

I would challenge you to make some mom friends (whether they are single or not) go to the library, go to the free events with your kiddo enjoy this time. Hop in some of the buy nothing sell nothing Facebook group and ASK if anyone has spare detergent. Hell a lot of these groups you can ask anonymously!

Get out of your own way momma (which I'm totally being butt saying that right?) but I'm hoping after 21 hours of the time this was posted you got some rest and can see that things don't have to be that way! Tough days/weeks/months happen it's all a season, but I promise you once you get crafty about making your ends meet, you won't get stopped! ❤️
@kateee71 Yup deep breathes. I think we’ve all been there. Gotta take a day to go hiking or to the river and just press refresh. Your struggles become challenges. Your success becomes happiness.
@tayano I love that…”struggles become challenges” Thank you bc im struggling bad too. Your comment alone has gotten me motivated and encouraged.
@simpleinchrist1 I keep seeing good advice like therapy, support & such and while that’s great, when I felt this way, I couldn’t even comprehend the next hour, next minute, next second. As parents, especially single parents w/little to no support, its much different (IMO). Any place I reached out for help involved me finding care for my child while I sought help-who is paying for that? Who can you trust? The State? Nope! Parents are harshly judged by all and if you need crisis help, the state DFS/CPS becomes aggressively involved in a NEGATIVE way! Then, forget affording to feed & house you & your child because you then can’t show up to your job in crisis & function. It is a slippery slope & it’s so disheartening that parents have no resources in trying to navigate parenthood, the economy, child care, medical, mental health and more. It makes me so sad & angry when I think about it!
I wish I knew the answer, truthfully, I have no idea how I made it through. I can’t fathom going through this in our World’s current situation. I set what most would consider “small” goals but to me, they were enormous! I couldn’t just “make it until the next day”. My victories were literally from one second to the next.
I know I am a stranger however, I am rooting for you because I can see my younger self in almost every word of your post. Please, please know that you are not alone, not failing, not inadequate, not unworthy! You are your childs hero, dirty clothes or not
@simpleinchrist1 I wish there was some sort of communal living situation for single moms. We need help and no one understands more than another single mom. And I’m not talking about moms that get weekends off or any time off…I’m talking about 100% single parenting. I feel your pain!!!!
@simpleinchrist1 I know exactly how you feel because I'm going through the same thing. I've tried talking to my friends, but they're either busy, unreachable, or going through something themselves. It's maddening and makes me feel even more empty and broken. I've even packed my bags and thought about leaving because I need a break.
@simpleinchrist1 This described myself! Keep pushing, DONT GIVE UP! I’m a single mother as well and everyday is a challenge, but what I do know Is my daughter is depending upon me and God forbid some happen to me, I know without a doubt NOBODY will care for my kid as I will. So allow your kid(s) to be your encouragement each day, it will get greater at some point. It’s always someone in the world who has a way more worst situation than us! Keep the faith and keep trusting god🤍
@simpleinchrist1 Hang in there. God didn't forget you. Your life sounds a lot like mine. He's got us, don't worry. When you're at the end of your rope, pray. It's the only thing that gets me through. I'm rooting for you