I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

@josephtheprotector It's something that happens to a lot of families. Maybe it's happening to you a little sooner, but at least you seem well placed to accept the help. My own parents are getting on (mid/late 60s) but they've been able bodied their whole lives and aren't ready to accept that their age is starting to catch up to them. So sometimes they need help, or they can't help me in the way they'd like (for example, I don't think my mom can lift my 30lb toddler out of her crib, even if we were seeing them in person these days) but they don't want to accept that reality.

I think as long as you appreciate your daughter, and try to help her achieve her other goals in life, this is great. She clearly loves you, which makes you a lucky woman.
@josephtheprotector My mother is and always has been wonderful to me and anytime I can do something for her I feel good about it. I want to make her life easier because I remember how hard she fought for that for me. You raised a loving child and she wants to repay the favor. Enjoy the time together!

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