I’m so scared, im 7 wks 2 days. Just found out im having twins


New member
Oh my god im really nervous and scared! I went for a 5 wk scan a couple of weeks ago, I thought I was having one baby now finding out im having 2 is crazy!I went to a&e yesterday as I was bleeding severely, I thought I was having a miscarriage. Turns out my babies are healthy and fine, the second baby was hiding somewhere in my womb, the nurse nearly missed it out.

I don’t know what to do! I’m really shocked, having twins is a blessing within itself. I still feel like im dreaming, im really nervous about giving birth as I did not imagine this at all. I feel terrible for having an inkling of doubt I won’t be able to manage and I am unsure how to move forward, any advice on how to take care of twins
@kmaynard When we found out we were having twins you could’ve heard a pin drop in the room. We were so surprised and shocked. We’d been trying to get pregnant for months and I had been envisioning everything I was going to do with my baby. I’m going to get this for my baby, I’m going to wear my baby this way, etc. all these plans that came to a screeching halt the second we found out there were two babies. It wasn’t even something we had considered could be a possibility.

So, here’s what happened. I cried and felt like maybe I had ruined our lives (dramatic, I know). But then as my pregnancy went on, we both got excited. And by the time they were here, I couldn’t imagine having only one. And it was hard, but you just do it. For us these were our first (and only) children so we didn’t know any different about what being a parent was like. And we had help—if anyone offers you help, take it!!!

My biggest regret was all the mom guilt over not exclusively breastfeeding. I didn’t make enough. And I did all the things—supplements, pumping all the time, keeping a log. I felt like such a failure. But I was surrounded by women with singletons. The first time I met other twin moms and saw them all supplementing with formula made me feel so normal. Remember, fed is best—no matter how you do that. Exclusive bottle, bottle/breast, exclusive breast. All are good options!

Best of luck to you and your growing family. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! You’ve got this. Also, my twins are 8 now. One of my favorite things is they have a built in playmate and that has been worth it’s weight in gold!!!