I’m not ruining my 4.5 month old baby’s attachment to me, am I?


New member
I went back to work last week. I didn’t really think about it too much until I started. And now I’m dealing with the roller coaster.. I’m actually enjoying going back more than I thought but my baby is having a really hard time adjusting. Which also makes it hard for me at the same time.

I work from home most of the time. So I can hear her crying from my office. She’s had full on melt downs that have been easily stopped by even just my presence.

Assure me this going to get better?! I feel so terribly for her!
@trapper125 My first was not at all like this and now my second baby is. It’s very hard to endure. But I can assure you, you are not ruining any attachment. I actually thought with my first that she just didn’t care about me that much? She seemed way more bonded to my husband when she was a baby. But now that she’s almost 3 I’m the only one who has the “special sauce” to calm her down when she’s really upset. Just a hug or a snuggle from me make it all better. I spent so long worrying about our bond and I didn’t need to. The good news is if you wfh you automatically get so much more time with her, no commutes, you can take lunch breaks, etc. She’ll get used to the new routine very soon.

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