I’m broken beyond repair


New member
I don’t even know how to write this. I believe I’m still considered a top user of this sub from when I was very active. But until Tuesday I wasn’t really a “bromo” anymore. Things in my life had been better. Ups and downs but things were good.

On Tuesday at 11:56pm I heard 6 gunshots outside of my house. I called my partner who was sleeping upstairs to check on our sleeping boys and hung up the phone. I immediately started to call my eldest son who would be coming home from work soon. He didn’t answer his phone. I called about 100 times. Then the police showed up. They wouldn’t let me out of my house. I called my son’s bio-Dad to drive up to my son’s work and make sure he was still there. I put the pieces together and knew my baby had been shot. And they wouldn’t tell us anything so I knew the worst of the worst had happened.

At about 2 a.m. the detective confirmed it was my son and he had been murdered. It is believed to be an attempted robbery, but they ran after they shot my baby.

My kid was my world. I had him when I was 19. He was only 22. My father passed away on Dec 2. My baby helped pay for my Dad’s final arrangements and was his pallbearer on the 19th.

My son loved his friends and family fiercely. He took care of everyone. He was the most beautiful person in the world, inside and out. He was talented. Strong. Brilliant. Always thinking of others. He was funny and I loved his laugh. He was a hard worker and took his job seriously. He had no vice.

I don’t have words to describe what an enormous tragedy this loss is to not only me but the entire world. The world would have been perfect if only everyone had someone like him in their lives.

I know we don’t share pictures in this sub but there’s an Imgur post in my comment history.

Edit: Thank you everyone for your love for my baby and me. Please know I am reading every word. I am just broken.

Edit 2: This is probably grief and delirious thinking from days without sleep and food. But all of the news articles keep calling him a man and it’s making me furious. He was a man but he was my baby first and always.

Edit 3: Alex was immensely creative. One of the things he loved to do was cartography. Here’s a picture of a world he was creating.
@trojie I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Your son sounds like a wonderful and kind young man, and certainly the world is a little darker without him in it. I hope that justice is found soon. Sending you all the internet hugs/prayers/good vibes, or whatever else you need bromo.
@trojie I've read this a few times now. I have no words because they feel like so little. I'm truly sorry. Your son sounds like a wonderful human being. None of you deserve to be going through this. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers mama. Wish I could hug you.

Edit: The pictures of him in your profile are lovely. His kind soul was obvious in his smile.
@trojie I’m so sorry. What was your son’s first name (if you feel safe sharing)? I will light a candle for him and you/your family regardless
@trojie Please delete if not wanted or appropriate. I don’t know how to link but this hurting BroMo has a gofund me set up. You can reach it through a link at the bottom of the news article.
@trojie I don't know why but I'm crying. I don't know you or your son but reading what you've wrote about him, I feel so much sorrow. Maybe because our baby's are so close in age. Mine just turned 23 and I had him as a teen as well. I cannot pretend to imagine even a fraction of your pain. I'm so incredibly sorry and angry the world was robbed of such an amazing person. I know virtual hugs aren't much right now, but please know that I am sending you strength and hoping for some measurement of healing for you. Please give yourself some grace right now and focus on trying to put the pieces back together. In time, you can have some semblance of normalcy again.

Again I'm deeply, deeply sorry for your loss.

Take your place at our heavenly father's side, Akex, for you have earned it.
@trojie Mods, apologies in advance if this isn't okay - I'll delete if you'd like.

If you look in OPs post history, it's not hard to find a gofund me (linked in a news article) set up for funeral expenses. I kicked in a few bucks, I hope those of us who can will do the same - momma, I'm without words here. Sorry isn't enough.
@dcjh I heard about his murder on the local news this week and just went looking for the link to donate. My heart is broken for the family, and I'm thankful to be in a position to kick in a bit for the expenses.
@trojie I almost didn’t comment because I know words probably mean nothing and won’t bring your baby back. But I just wanted to say we are all here for you right now. A community of mamas crying with you and holding you, maybe not physically but just as close in our hearts.

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