I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

@edmundlloydfletcher I do not get her math either or what she is upset about or trying to say. But think she is a teacher. It's common for a teacher to get their nine or so months of pay (the school year) spread out over a 12 months period.

If she's taking two additional months off then id expect 7 months of pay spread out over 12 months instead of 9 but hard for me to tell if that's what is happening or if she's getting screwed in a different way
@windchaser Yeah, that's basically what she is saying, and she's pissed about it. But really she just didn't think through it before she took her leave. Sometimes these policies are unclear. I am a teacher. I get paid 12 months of the year, even though I don't work summer. During the months I do work, I "pay into" my summer fund. If I work Aug-Dec, maternity leave Jan-end of the school year (some of that would of course be unpaid), they still owe me the money I "paid in" from Aug-Dec. Even if I worked Aug-Dec, maternity leave Jan-April, I still wouldn't get full paychecks over the summer because I didn't "pay into" the system for part of the school year. I know that's frustrating to her, and I guess she didn't account for that, but that's just the way it is...
@jedidiahanointing I'm confused.....you aren't offered short term disability for the birth? STD typically covers 6 weeks for vaginal and 8 for cesarean births. Do you not have that as part of your benefits?
@charochez And then we come back with 0 leave and months of school left with kids in daycare 🤪 currently living this - I took the first 12 weeks of school unpaid FMLA and have had to make it work since November with no leave available. My 9 month old currently has hand foot and mouth, so if I get it, I’ll have to take unpaid leave next week. Thank god my husband works from home and we have some family members that can help. He also got 10 weeks of paid leave (in Finance) when we had the baby. It’s insane that we get a whopping 0.
@jedidiahanointing I really want to have a baby, my son is now 14. One of the things that stops me is because I am a career nanny and there’s no way I’ll have any sort of mat leave unless the family I’m working for at the time is an amazing out of this world one.
@123noname123 It’s not all about being amazing. Nanny parents would have to pay you while also paying someone else to care for the child/children during that time.

If people are barely affording daycare… how are they supporting 2 Nannie’s ? With one of those Nannie’s not working.

Middle-class or upper- middle class… still tight margins here. This is why there needs to be more support for mothers and those directly supporting them during and after pregnancy.

Also, more overall support for the middle and upper-middle class. Especially, with family healthy approaches to policies, regulations and overall directives in the US.