Does anyone have experience with this? I had an appointment this morning at 23+2 (twins) and my bp was 150/80, with no protein found in my urine at all. I am having feet and ankle swelling, but no other symptoms, and both babies are growing on track and doing great. My OB didn’t seem extremely concerned about it today, but did give me a prescription for labetalol 100mg twice a day and told me to take it if I felt like I needed it (I’m a pharmacist so he trusts me to look into it and take it if I want to/feel like I need to). I really kind of talked him into sending the prescription in, just because I would feel better having it available. I didn’t have high blood pressure before pregnancy, but my whole family is on bp meds and so it’s not surprising, especially with the weight gain I’ve experienced so far. Any advice or thoughts? Thank you!!