Husband is unhelpful/selfish after having our son


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For context, my husband (36M) and I (32F) got married last December at our home and began planning a reception to celebrate with friends and family. A week and half later, we found out we were expecting a surprise baby. We didn’t think we could have children, but after years together, life found a way. I never wanted to be a mom, but at the time it felt meant to be, a blessing and so I embraced this future.
My pregnancy was fine, better than expected and I was looking forward to meeting my son. We moved back to our home state to be closer to family and friends so we’d have a support system. I had my son 3.5 months later. The birth also went better than expected, he came fast, like he couldn’t wait to meet us. We were in awe of this tiny person and immediately in love with him.
The first two weeks, my husband ditched us on a daily basis and treated his short paternity leave as a vacation and would only assist with helping me change a few diapers and hold him while I showered. This took me by surprise as he said he planned to be very involved but it’s like because I decided to ebf, he thinks he’s not needed here. I also had a very had time healing after vaginal birth, I had wound breakdown and wasn’t getting any breaks to nap or not be sitting down feeding. My husband would tell people to come over without asking me and I was so stressed out. I cried multiple times a day and he would just say “sorry you’re sad.”
He has continued to take off for hours at a time or to literally go outside and chop wood for 2 hours and then come inside and game the rest of the day. He says to just text him if I need him but when I do, 20 minutes goes by and at that point I’m already dealing with it and just mad. I am on meds for PPD already, please don’t jump right to depression. This has all felt like a struggle, an upheaval and a pill isn’t a cure all.
My son is 2.5 months now. He’s been colicky since about 3wks and very difficult to deal with. I do love him and would die if anything happened to him. He also has reflux and bad gas, so he tends to be high maintenance: wants to be held constantly (I do baby wear and that helps). His Ped knows about all of this and has only suggested simethicone gas drops. They watched me feed him and he has no ties. He will take a bottle no problem either.
His dad, my husband just clings to his own independence. He tried to tell me this is my job now (I am a sahm currently) because he works as a tech 8-5 M-F. I said jobs come with breaks, days off and require more than 2hours of sleep. I also told him if he’s just going to be a paycheck to us, I can get that through a court order. He shut up quick after that.
He hasn’t had to get up at night with him at all. I let him sleep in on his days off too…He will only give him a bottle if I prepare it and he never cleans any of them after. He seemed to be getting a little better though, he actually plays with him on the play mat and will baby wear occasionally. He changes maybe 2 diapers a day, otherwise expects me to come and do all the wiping when I’m in the same room… sometimes I hide in the bathroom to force him to finish the task himself. I told him I needed him to start taking him for more than 40min at a time so I could nap since I don’t get more than 2-4hrs at a time. I said I don’t need this every day but maybe every other because I need a break from feeding/holding/entertaining/contact napping (I don’t sleep during those) and he’s his dad so he needs to be able to handle his own offspring for longer stretches. My anus of a husband said my showers were my breaks… he brings the baby into the bathroom when I’m showering so baby can see me and he tells me to hurry up as soon as the water is off. I haven’t been able to lotion my body, shave or do any self care outside of washing for almost 3months… I reminded him that bathing is a necessity and if I’m on the “job” 20 hours a day. 40 minutes for a break is absolute crap and would be considered slave labor.
He took off to our neighbors on Saturday and was out for 7hours. I wanted to go as well, but said I needed a shower and to blow dry my hair (it’s 35degrees here) and that I could wear the baby for a bit while there and we’d leave after an hour. He said I don’t need a shower (I was on day 3:() so he just left instead of letting me get ready… we got
Into a fight when he finally came home and I said I don’t see our marriage making it if this is how it’s going to be. He said I let things build up and just get mad at him but I’m no longer mad. I’m very sad, watching everything we built crumble around me is taking its toll and that I fantasize about shared custody because at least I’d get a day off that way. I told him he’s taking advantage of me by leaving me here for hours/days at a time and not letting me do anything without him or the baby. He just got quiet but never really addressed anything… everyone says to wait a year before making big decisions but I just want to leave… my family would take my son and I in a heart beat if needed, I just can’t find many reasons to stay in this house or marriage for much longer. I don’t know what to do anymore… fed up is an understatement.
@dustie If you have family to stay with who would be more supportive than your husband, then I’d plan a week or two to go stay with them to reset yourself. Catch up on some sleep and enjoy being in a supportive environment for a little while, then approach your husband again with a clearer head.

Also, the best advice I got postpartum was to not enable my husband to be incompetent. I had to figure out how to care for a baby and he was perfectly capable of that too. Tell him you’re going to the store and leave him with the baby for two hours. Don’t ask, tell him, and then go do it. You have no reason to think your baby isn’t actually safe with him. If he tells you to hurry up while you’re in the shower then say no and keep on shaving your legs anyway. Wake him up at night to tend to the baby. Go take a nap and close the bedroom door. Get ready with the baby then show up at your neighbors late and say “sorry I’m late. It took me a long time to get ready because hubby refused to help with the baby”. He might not like it and get mad, but him getting mad or having another fight isn’t going to put your marriage into a worse state than it already is. Don’t tolerate his behavior or how he is treating you. Best case it’s a wake up call for him and he steps up to the plate. Worse case and you’re probably not any worse off than you already are.
@dustie I honestly didn’t read this whole thing but the way it was going was pretty predictable.

First thoughts: when you say “I let him sleep in..” and things like that… stop. Stop “letting him.” demand help. But let him do things his way.

I would start leaving the house for solid periods of time while he’s home. Pump some milk and tell him you’ll be back in __. Go for a walk, go to the store.. just go sit in your car or outside, it doesn’t matter. This is the best way for him to realize how hard it is and that he needs to step up as a dad. He will figure it out just like you have.
@dustie I'm 4 months postpartum with our second kid (currently 2) and I hear you.

Men have no idea what to do, especially with a colicky baby.

Our first was easy peasy and my husband took naps with him while he watched TV. The new baby seems to hate him but really they're just colicky and want me.

Only in the last week or two has the baby started smiling for my husband and that has meant the world to him. I wouldn't chock your husband's behavior up to being normal because he is being rude and inconsiderate and immature but... BUT... I would give it two months.

Have a calm sit-down talk and try to come to a mutual agreement before getting started to not get all huffy-puffy during the conversation and to acknowledge that there's a major transition happening and you're both struggling with it in various ways. Talk about your expectations and your needs and ask him what he expects and needs and them try to negotiate together to find mutual benefits.

There's a possibility that since neither of you planned to have kids that he might decide to duck out at some point and be the child support dad but you won't know that until it happens.

Calm communication is key. Go to a counselor if necessary (alone and / or together).

That being said.... start squirreling money away. Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Grocery store "cash back" is a good way to squirrel some money if he doesn't check the receipts.

Document all the stuff you own and hide any valuables you can at a good friend or relatives house. Pack a bag or get a change of clothes and basics over to the person's house as well. Call me crazy, but a lot of DV situations start after marriage and especially after having a baby (especially with the forfeiting of your job) and I've heard this situation too many times not to make sure women are prepared for this.

If he hits you ever, leave and do not go back. It sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders but you can never be too cautious.

DM me if you want to ask more specific questions about communication during this transition period because my husband and I had a really hard time with that for a while
@dustie Agreeing with all notes above. Thought the same thing. It’s time to start treating him not like someone who is there to just “help” you, but instead is a second parent, capable in all the same ways as you. Yes, it’s more weight on mama at first when EBF, but sounds as if you need to start taking your time and sanity back. Self care and mental health for mama is absolutely a crucial part of the baby raising puzzle.

Don’t give him any more outs. Don’t wipe for him. Don’t wash any more bottles. Hand him baby and walk out the door. Lazy men like this will slack for as as long as you allow it. After you get past this phase then agree it’s time to re-evaluate the marriage because he sounds like a real asshole… 😭
@dustie Genuine question. What the hell are you waiting for? He is no husband. He is another kid you have to raise and ain’t nobody got time for thaaat. Serve him with the papers sis and go be happy!
@dustie You need to leave him with the baby and let his survival instincts kick in. He also needs to understand himself how difficult this all is. He’s obtuse but (hopefully) not dumb enough to let anything happen to your child.