How would you react if I rudely, intentionally bumped into your child?

@jared1991 You would not be writing Reddit! You hit a child that looks up to you. Yes, you hit him, you just did it in a slick way. I honestly had to read it again. You are 20..... Young man, you are very very very lucky that other men in the family did not see it. Curtains my friend! Oh yeah, why would they like you after trying to sleep with their daughter & getting mad at their other child because he interfered in a way that they would be proud of.
@jared1991 20 acting 10, you obviously need to learn some manners yourself and to grow up and take accountability for your own actions. And if you come back with "I am a grown up" or "I am an adult" out of my three teenagers only one would act like that at any time... He's autistic and 14 so a good 6 years younger than you. My 13 year old wouldn't even do that to a 6 year old who annoys him.

How I would react, you'd never be allowed back in my house for any reason and if I caught you (I have cameras outside everywhere) you'd be charged with trespassing immediately I wouldn't care how much you apologize if you're an adult you act like it and don't bully children.
@jared1991 OP, if it was your girlfriends dad or mom that walked in would you still be brave enough to bump them like that?

Right, so you see how you just bullied that little boy because, even though you're 20, you have a lot of growing up to do.

Also, stay away from your girlfriends brother because you're not good enough to be in his life.
@jared1991 You acted pretty immaturely here. Both of you were wrong: you shouldn’t have bumped into him and he shouldn’t have barged in. It’s only my responsibility to parent my child, so I would have the conversation with him about knocking and put in place a suitable consequence if it happened again.

I would encourage her to get a lock on the door, but I’d let her know you wouldn’t be at my house again if you reacted physically to anything my child did again.
@jared1991 Well, you'd have fun drinking your food through a straw for close to a year afterward. I've beaten people to a pulp for less. And you'd have to deal with my wife too, and she beat the shit out of the neighbor bitch, and broke her nose for calling our kids "little bastards" to her face.
@jared1991 It’s shitty to punish a kid by slamming into him because you’re mad at his behaviour, but also shitty if your girlfriend and his parents aren’t responding to the kids behaviour by trying to teach him a more appropriate way to act. It’s totally normal behaviour for a 6 year old, but if no one’s saying anything to him I’m going to raise eyebrows. Anyway, it’s not your job to raise or discipline this kid.

Does your girlfriend have a lock on her door? If not, it’s risky trying to get intimate with a kid in the house. Even if you can teach them to knock, half the time they’ll knock then immediately enter.

If you go over to her house you’re going to have to accept her kid brother’s interactions with you, and her parents way of responding to it even if you don’t completely agree with it. If that’s going to be hard for you, you need to meet her elsewhere.
@jared1991 I wont knock a kid over but ive definitely bumped into kids to make a point ... get out of your own world and be self aware. Growing up my mom CONSTANTLY hissed at me in public to not be in the way.. pay attention...theres others around you dont be in the way... like in public im SUPERRRR aware if im in someones way etc... i can Still hear my moms hissing through her teeth at me to get the fuck out of everyones way in public lol. Im glad she did tho because now i see so many people even my age that are just RUDE and not selfaware of others space in public.
@jared1991 Douche move. Your girlfriend is right to be upset and if you're going to act that immature over your mood getting killed you don't even deserve to get any play.
@jared1991 You didn't even think to get down on his level and be like "Hey buddy, it's important to remember to knock on the door before coming in just because it's a polite thing to do. OK, it's 2 pm now, and when you see that it's 3 o'clock, we can play videos games together. Come back in 60 minutes".

Nah, you instead pushed a 6 year old.
@jared1991 100% real, dude. Im fed up with you just after ready this. Is it cool if i come body check you? If you had done that in front of me, you would have been on the wrong end of a bad day. And that's a kid i dont know. I love to bully bullies. I would love to show you what it's like to have someone bigger than you make you feel helpless and scared.

You're nothing but a bitch ass bully. Cant bully some one your age and sixlze, you gotta piic on a 6 year old.. A 6 year old cock blocks you so he body check him? Didnyouvfeel better after that? Feel kike a big man? I want to slap the taste out your mouth just reading this.

Before i answer your question. Here is a little context for you. I am 6'5 "and 340 lbs. When it comes to my kids, im meaner than a snake. And more vicious than a pissed off grizzly bear.

If you were to do that to my kid, i would make sure you spent the rest of your life regreting it. There would never be a day after that moment that you wouldn't think about me and the fact that you played a serious game of fuck around and find out and lost.
@jared1991 Wow that was insanely rude to do. He's a kid!! Learn to lock a door or do things elsewhere.

Huge red flag thar you gomez so upset, you'd harm a child.
@jared1991 If this girl has a lick of sense she’ll dump you but if not, I recommend being a man and breaking it off yourself. You’ve shown her you can’t control your urges and aren’t safe around children or when you can’t get a nut, two massive air raid siren level red flags. You seem more concerned with how this affects your image than the fact that you overreacted and shoved a small child who looks up to you. Grow up and work on yourself before you subject another innocent person to these issues. Therapy helps.
@jared1991 If my daughter had a bf that did that on purpose I’d definitely not like him much anymore and I’d advise my kid to seriously reconsider the relationship with someone who treats others like that.

If I was your gf I’d not be for much longer. He’s 6, you’re the grownup. Want privacy? Lock the damn door