How would you react if I rudely, intentionally bumped into your child?

@jared1991 You would not be writing Reddit! You hit a child that looks up to you. Yes, you hit him, you just did it in a slick way. I honestly had to read it again. You are 20..... Young man, you are very very very lucky that other men in the family did not see it. Curtains my friend! Oh yeah, why would they like you after trying to sleep with their daughter & getting mad at their other child because he interfered in a way that they would be proud of.
@jared1991 20 acting 10, you obviously need to learn some manners yourself and to grow up and take accountability for your own actions. And if you come back with "I am a grown up" or "I am an adult" out of my three teenagers only one would act like that at any time... He's autistic and 14 so a good 6 years younger than you. My 13 year old wouldn't even do that to a 6 year old who annoys him.

How I would react, you'd never be allowed back in my house for any reason and if I caught you (I have cameras outside everywhere) you'd be charged with trespassing immediately I wouldn't care how much you apologize if you're an adult you act like it and don't bully children.
@jared1991 OP, if it was your girlfriends dad or mom that walked in would you still be brave enough to bump them like that?

Right, so you see how you just bullied that little boy because, even though you're 20, you have a lot of growing up to do.

Also, stay away from your girlfriends brother because you're not good enough to be in his life.