How would you react if I rudely, intentionally bumped into your child?

@jared1991 Uhh, really you have to ask? I’d be tempted to beat the hell out of you, and you’re an adult, so that may be more than temptation. And by your description of things, sounds as if YOU are the bratty one and he was acting exactly like a 6 year old. Bye, hope she broke up with you.
@jared1991 Yeah, not to be dramatic, but if I was your gf's parent, and you - a 20yo - bumped into my 6yo in anger, I'd fantasizing about really messing you up as badly as possible.

To the extent you want to live up to some level of integrity, I'd go back and really beg for forgiveness. But that would just be so that you could look yourself in the mirror again. If I was your gf's dad, I wouldn't accept the apology, and you wouldn't be allowed back in the house.

So yeah, don't be too proud to apologize really hard.
@jared1991 You're the ahole here, buddy

You stormed out on your girlfriend and shoved a 6 yr old because you were interrupted getting laid in an inappropriate place with the 6 yr old home. If I was your girlfriend, I'd rethink staying with you.
@jared1991 So scale of 1 to 10 say a firm 9.
So like someone else said that's the 6 year olds home, now I get he didn't knock but guess what maybe that isn't expected with his big sister. So you faulting him is irrelevant, on top of it you're pissed off because you wanted to finger bang my daughter and her little brother stopped you.
You would be welcome in my house exactly 1 more time after this occurrence because I know my son would tell me and if my daughter got caught trying to cover for you it would be worse. That one last time would be you and me having a man to man talk, after which my daughter and I having a talk about how I both expect and raised her to spend her time with a higher quality person.
Not saying you are complete scum or are not redeemable but you are a 100% shitbag for this.
So yeah I guess you could say you majorly fucked up man, understand you're 20, understand emotions and hormones, understand it all, but their is no excuse.
Do better, because this is just beyond upsetting it is disappointing.