How to teach a 6 year old to read


New member
Hi, i am having trouble teaching my little brother to read he is 6 and cannot read properly. He can recognise letters(if i point out the letter A to him he can recognise and identify it) but he can't put them together to make a word(if i tell him the letters P-E-T in order he can't recognise it as a word. any advice on how to get him to a point where he can string letters together to make words?
@amore_amibo Start by sounding out the letters and making them guess what the letter is. Also while reading a book occasionally stop and have him say the word then point to the letters and have him tell you the letters then say the word again. Start with easy words like the, on, up, etc...

Once he seems to have that down Start purposefully messing up the words. Be careful to not read the same books over and over when you do this. You want to make sure they are actually reading and not just knowing you are wrong through memorizing the story. Kids love correcting adults and you can use that against them. My oldest was always giggling when I pretended I didn't know the word. He would be like mom that's this or that word. We made a game of it.

Any time you can make learning fun do so. Kids learn well from play.

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