How to prep for c-section ? Nervous!

@julianchu Girl. Let me tell you. I LOVED my c section. The hospital provided everything I needed honestly.

I had no pain, no issues, no nothing. My incisions looks like it’s barely even there (I’m 7 weeks pp). I could honestly run a 5k that same night if I wanted.

I hope you have the same experience as me!
@julianchu Mine was also really great, although I don’t know if I could have run a 5k right after 😂 keep walking as much as you can now, I think that helped me a ton but I was fortunate enough to have a fine pregnancy up until the end & was never put on bed rest. I am also 7 weeks postpartum and have felt totally fine since about 3 weeks, and was up and standing / walking most of the day by day 2 in the hospital. Take the pain meds and stool softeners.
@julianchu Once you get home, be very diligent about your pain meds. They’ll likely give you some strong ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Both are important as they basically boost the effectiveness of each other. Set an alarm for when to take it and do not miss a dose!

I was able to manage my pain without needing my opiates (just a personal choice, I didn’t want to take the oxy)

Good luck!
@julianchu I had my twins about 7 weeks ago, planned c section!!
Frida bottle (I struggled to really bend enough to get where I needed to, and with the bleeding I felt much cleaner with the bottle. The hospital one sucked in my opinion), the biggest pads you can find, a long ice pack for your incision (ice as much as you can handle/remember to, it makes a difference), belly band (some hospitals have them if you ask, I got one on Amazon) I wore a maxi dress home because bending down to even put pants on was not something I could do.
I got heavy duty postpartum compression leggings and they made such a difference.
Ask your nurses to get you walking ASAP after, and do some little laps in your room every so often if you can. It won’t feel good in the moment, but it will in the long run. Ask them to also keep the compression on your legs even after you are up and walking, I couldn’t even get my wife pregnancy sandals on leaving the hospital 😂
Just know that it will be hard, you are recovering from surgery taking care of two brand new humans!!! And it will feel like you might never feel better, but 1 week pp I felt so much better, and by 2 weeks I could move so much better! Don’t be too hard on yourself and make sure you don’t get too crazy (ask people to hand you the babies, bottles, burp cloths, pump, whatever it is you think you have to get). You’re gunna do great!
@julianchu I will add that I wore mine as needed. I tried to go without it as much as possible, but if my body started telling me “hey, this hurts. I need some extra support,” or if I knew I would be doing a bit more walking than normal, I would put the abdominal binder back on for a little bit. I think I used mine on and off for about 2-3 weeks.
@julianchu Compression socks; they didn't have that in my hospital. I couldn't even fit in my flip flops when I left. They belly bands from the hospital really helped and I was able to go up and down the stairs no problem. With the band.
@julianchu A few things - drink lots of fluids, even more than you have been. You want to make finding a vein in a good spot easy. If you are a hard stick or a nurse has stuck you three times with no luck, ask for someone else.

I wear dresses all the time so I just brought a floaty dress for home. Anything that won’t put pressure on your incision will work though. And nothing light colored.

Bring heavy duty pads - Always Infinite for highest flow will change your life. They are much better than the giant pads they give you that still end up leaking.

Take your pain meds exactly as prescribed for at least 2 days post op - skipping doses because you feel fine will make you pay later. If you are bad for tracking meds, get a whiteboard for your Fridge and a marker.

EDITED to add: Ask for a lactation specialist before you leave the hospital. Their tricks will save you a ton of annoyance.
@julianchu Microwaveable easy meals. I was so exhausted between recovering from my C-section and caring for twins that finding time and energy to eat or shop was rough. If I was to do it again, I would have a freezer full of pot pies and premade meals because I was so hungry and tired breastfeeding twins.
@julianchu Def wear the compression girdle, if not it feels like your guts will fall out. I remember right after I came out of the OR the nurses were pushing on my stomach to get my uterus to contract and HOLY SHIT that was the worst part of the whole thing
@julianchu C section isn’t bad! I was a FTM with di di fraternal boys who are now 4.5 months. The worst/most annoying parts for me were the gas pains (which show up in your shoulder) and the swelling in my legs/feet. Definitely get up and moving as soon as you can. I also got the kindred bravely c section undies and I still wear them Bc they are so comfy. Otherwise I just stole hospital supplies and stayed on my first floor for the first week. Just take it easy going from lying down to sitting up and use your arms rather than your core. But otherwise wasn’t a bad recovery and I didn’t have any issues with my incision. It didn’t even weep at all before or after the staples came out.