How to make baby gain weight?


New member
Hello! My son will be 4 months tomorrow, 7 weeks corrected. He weighs 8 lbs 15 oz, discharged 1 week ago at 8 lbs 9.9 oz. We were sent home with an NG tube & continuous feeds from 10 pm - 7 am, only breast milk. Our pediatrician is trying to get him without the NG tube. So we stopped the continuous feeds. Today we checked his weight and he hasn’t gained weight since Thursday. Peds asked me to fortify my BM.
  1. Peds gave us neosure to fortify. What are other good fortifiers?
  2. Any success stories in getting your LO to gain weight? My son will only eat about 40 mls to 60 mls per feed. He doesn’t have any structural issues. Not sure why he can’t/wont take more. (It has increased since stopping the continuous feeds)
I feel so defeated instead of enjoying my baby Im just focused on getting him to feed, like he’s an object. Exhausted.
@flightlessbird With any fortifier the goal isn’t just what fortifier, but how much mixed with breast milk will equal the goal kcal needed for growth.

You can really use any fortifier but the idea would be to bring the kcal higher.

EBM has a kcal of 21/oz

Neosure of 22/oz

We often fortify upwards for 28-30kcal/oz in hospital. But that’s not really possible at home (we used things like MCT/bene-protein/liquigen/polycal)

You can continue to use your EBM as the base and add more scopes of Neosure to it (speak to a dietician first). Or there are formulas like similac special care which is 24kcal/oz that can be used to fortify

speak with a dietician before making the jump
@flightlessbird Our GI doc has our daughters breastmilk fortified with DuoCal-it’s just fat and carbs. It’s flavorless and dissolves very easily. She’s put on a decent amount of weight since we started it and has crossed a few growth curves (was