How to encourage independent play


New member
I watch my partner’s 3 (4 next month) year old while he works. I’m a substitute teacher so I’m off with the kids for the summer. So while I’m watching him I’m trying to get him on the same schedule that the pre-k uses. I’ve noticed that the little one refuses to do anything alone. (We live together. It’s not an unfamiliar place he has all his toys and snacks and he’s used to me too as I’ve been in his life since he was 2). Like I can’t even go pee without him busting in the room because he doesn’t want to be alone.

Is there anything I can do to encourage independence or independent play? He starts school in august so I really want to make sure he’ll be okay without me or daddy. Even when he has other kids (my cousins they’re 8&9) over he follows them around and throws a fit when they don’t go with him where he wants to go.

Please give me advice. I want to do right by the little man and make sure he will be okay at school but also I don’t wanna push him too hard. Like the closest he gets to playing by himself is when he plays in the study (where he can see me through the doors two rooms away) while I’m in the kitchen.

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