How to best prepare leave baby overnight with Grandparents?


New member
While I was still pregnant, I optimistically booked gig tickets for the summer that will require an overnight stay in a city 2hrs away. My parents (who I trust implicitly) agreed to look after the kids, who'll be 5 and 1 at the time and they've had my older child quite few time wth no issue at all.

The gig is 5 and a half months away but I am FREAKING OUT about leaving my youngest a) because we never have, b) because I'll be so far away and c) because she's tricky to put down and wakes up multiple times a night.

I know a lot can change in the next few months - she'll be 1 by the time the date rolls around - but how can I best prepare so it's as painless for my baby and as easy for my parents as possible?

Thanks x
@lr2013 we did a couple low stakes practice runs before the real thing that really helped me feel comfortable! (same boat as you, i love and trust my parents!)

my mom came and did a full bedtime with us in the house and it went great. a few weeks later my husband and i did a 1 nighter in our same city. and then by the time we had to go away for a wedding everyone felt confident!

also, in the back of my mind the “worst” that was going to happen was a bad sleepless tearful night for everyone. which is hard but still totally ok! also i tried to keep in mind it’s really good for my baby to build her own bonds with trusted adults who truly love and care about her.

long story short — it all went great!!! you got this
@lr2013 I’ll second a trial run. I will also suggest that you greatly lower your expectations. I mean, give them all of the lists about bedtime routines and such, but don’t be surprised if they deviate from it. They’re the GRANDPARENTS.

It is their job to let the kids stay up too late, eat the extra cookie, etc. As long as kiddos come home relatively healthy and clean, I don’t care.

Also your kid will be a completely different child in 5 months. Activities that are not appropriate in the winter will be all good in the summer. Sundown is later so they may stay out later by taking the kids to dinner or the park to help tire them both out.

Take a deep breath. Enjoy the next few months and plan the practice runs of letting grandparents put the kids down/sleep over.