How to be the best birth partner?


New member
Hi, FTM planning an unmedicated birth at birth center.

I am looking for instagram pages, books, podcasts, general advice recommendations to share with my partner as we are approaching our due date. How did you support your partner during labor? What worked/didn’t? What is something you’d wish you’d known or done differently. We have 5 weeks until baby and I’m not sure if he is equipped with enough L&D knowledge
@kachadapriest25 Spend a good amount of time putting a lot of consideration into what she’ll need at the hospital and what to pack to make her most comfortable. If you want I can share my packing list for inspiration. Just DM me. Congrats!
@kachadapriest25 Inna May’s Guide to Childbirth could be great for you both since doing unmedicated and at birth center. I was nervous about unmedicated homebirth for my wife and baby but the book has a ton of positive stories and logic about safety of natural births (if you don’t mind some hippy stuff mixed in)
@kachadapriest25 I’d say talk to your partner and make some sort of birth plan together, so you know what they want/don’t want. This way you two can make informed decisions in advance and you can advocate for her without having to check back. You won’t necessarily have time to mull things over when you are in labour.

At the same time, I would recommend to not dogmatically stick to an inflexible plan, because you don’t know what’s gonna happen or what will become necessary. It’s just good to have thought things through in advance.

I have also found it helpful to take off work a couple of days before birth so you can settle down and be ready, but I know that might not be possible for some.