How the f*** do you back carry with a woven?


New member
I am loosing my mind. I can tie great front carries and I am familiar with hip scooting with my mei dei and half buckle carrier and I CANNOT GET THIS! No matter what I do she's completely lost the seat by the time I have her anywhere near my back and I cannot figure out how to get the seat back under her. Does anyone have any tricks? A magical youtube video that made this clear? She's too big for me to superman as she's 25lbs.
@puddintain Back Carry Boot Camp on YouTube might be helpful, its associated with the Geeky Wrappers FB page but you dont need to join the group to access the YouTube videos. If you do join the FB page you can post videos of yourself wrapping and they will give tips
@puddintain You can absolutely Superman at 25lbs. I can Superman my 7 year old still (not that I do this often 😂 just as a side comparison). Are you afraid of your own strength to do it? I can’t hip scoot to save my life so I don’t think I’d have any luck either if I weren’t able to Superman. That being said as obnoxious of a suggestion as this is you just really have to practice over and over. I had to relearn with this baby because my middle kiddo was 6 and I wasn’t wearing him anymore.

Once I get my kid on my back I typically put my top rails in between my teeth and reach under his legs to pull it in between our bodies. It also helps to have a wide wrap because I have one (a didymos pfau) that is so dang skinny I just don’t use it for that.
@puddintain i did just want to echo that you absolutely can superman her at 25 lbs. Just keep practicing. I’m an old man and minorly physically disabled and i can superman my 17 month old.
@puddintain I went to a babywearing meet up recently and was told I was making the seat too tight - they said the tighter you make the seat while you are getting them situated, the easier is it for LO to pop the seat. I was told to make it snug but not tight
@elfay00 Oooh, thank you for that

I've noticed that I overtighten the bottom rail when I do the overall tightening of the passes and I make the seat roo shallow as a result. I need to remind myself to just do the middle and top rails when she's up.
@puddintain Others have better advice than I do, and I'm not super great at back carry in a woven, though much better than I used to be. It's hard!

But I wanted to add that you can practice different parts of the process separately. For example if you're getting frustrated with getting baby on your back you can get a helper to put baby up so you can practice making the seat and tightening and tying. Or if you don't have a helper you can use a countertop or sit on the couch in front of the kiddo.

And of course you can practice superman toss (I agree with others, it should be possible with a 25 lb child, are you really thinking of a Santa toss?) without having to go through the whole process, and if your kiddo likes being flung around like mine does, if can even be a game.

I never had any success keeping the seat under my kiddo while getting him on my back, so I learned how to make the seat from scratch after putting him up there, it's tricky but possible!
@puddintain I ask myself the same thing every damn time. Baby #1 I gave up on it. Baby #2 is only three months old now but likes to pop the seat on front carries already soooooooooo I have my doubts 🙃
@puddintain I like this video:

Tips: definitely Superman, I do my 23lb toddler all the time

Pull DOWN on wrap to get lots of length before scooping legs up with bottom of wrap. I pull it all the way up to my armpits on either side

Put the opposite arm under LO's bum and LIFT that leg to get a deep seat then tighten bottom to top rail.

Lots of practice :)