How much? How often?


New member
My daughter will be 4 weeks old on Wednesday of this coming week, I was just wondering how often and how much she should be eating? She barely spits up and has never puked on me from over eating but, sometimes she’ll down 3oz and then and hour n half later sometimes 2.5 hours she seems like she’s screaming for more. Ive never tried 4oz she always seems satisfied after her 3oz. She doesn’t always burp the best butt his last feed she did so I didn’t think gas was to blame. Doc says feed her when she’s hungry I’m scared to over feed her and upset her stomach…
@ricard Generally they recommend at least 3 hours between formula feeds as it takes longer to digest than breastmilk. At 4 weeks you can work your way up slowly to 4oz, see if that keeps her satisfied for longer.

But then again, if the pediatrician is fine with it, you're probably good! If you're worried about overfeeding (we actually did that unknowingly) watch out for signs of reflux, and in our case our baby's stomach was so full he had breathing difficulties and developed an umbilical hernia (we gave him 5oz per feed around 8 weeks old).
@christiangal34 When I asked her doc she said feed her when she’s hungry she sucks on her hands during those angry moments I figure she’s hungry. She doesn’t spit up or puke. I’m definitely gonna have to try to see if I can get her to eat four.
@ricard Its quite difficult to over feed as they tend to get annoyed, push the bottle or move their head and spit up if they have had too much, so I would definitely feed when they seem hungry. Paced feeding makes it easier for baby to start, stop and pause when they need to. One thing that has helped for us has been focusing on how much baby has over 24hr period, rather than each feed. Our Doctor told us to go by 2.5oz per lb of weight every 24 hours. So a 10lb baby would have 25oz in 24 hrs. This takes the pressure off worrying when they don't finish a bottle in one feed, but down a bottle in the next.
@012546 She doesn’t spit up that’s the crazy thing he’s only puked on me once and I think it’s cause she was drinking to fast and swallowed to much air. Like I said her doc said feed her when hungry so I have been. Thank you tho for your words I appreciate it
@nic227 I tried all last night she ate one 4oz didn’t puke but with all her other feedings she didn’t want 4oz only 3 gotta wait for a long nap stretch today to try.

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