How much formula?


New member
My daughter is 12 weeks old today and weighs about 11.5 lbs. It seems like, for the first month or so, she steadily increased her intake and then leveled off. She’s been at 3-4.5 oz per feed, ~25 oz/day, for like two months. I’m a bit worried bc we use the 4-5 oz bottles (I think 5 oz fits but only 4 oz is marked). We generally fill it to about 4.25 oz and I’d say she finishes it about half the time. She never seems hungry after feeds or we’d give her more. When do we move up to bigger bottles and start offering more to begin with? Am I overthinking this since her growth has been excellent? After all, if I was breastfeeding we’d have no clue what her intake was. How much do/did your babies eat at this age/weight?
@bignfat5 That sounds normal. My first kid would down each bottle in one go, but my current baby likes to take a break halfway and will usually have a bit more or sometimes finish when I offer it again and sometimes she will refuse. They know when they're hungry although I know it's hard in the moment to deal with them not finishing!
@bignfat5 My babe was at 4oz until right before four months, and then all of the sudden went up to 7oz bottles in a few weeks. He still occasionally has days where he only wants 5oz at a time though.

If it’s one things I’ve learned about babes so far it’s that nothing in linear! Whether it’s sleep or milestones or feeding, they tend to go upward, then back down, then upward again. While it’s easier said than done, if she’s gaining well I wouldn’t worry!
@bignfat5 My baby started this around four months but it was two months of freaking out. He started to eat a lot more at six months. It should be fine but I'm not a professional so ask your doctor to be sure.
@bignfat5 As you know, all babies are different, so I don't feel comfortable sharing how much yours should be drinking b/c only your baby knows or how much mine is drinking, etc. In my Bumpers Sub, there are 25lb 6MO babies, whereas our 7MO is close to 20 (and all are normal) so that should help you see the range of how much each can consume.

But yes, I would buy bigger bottles asap. That way you're ready for when yours starts drinking more than 5oz in one sitting. To answer your question, there may be a time when yours finishes a feeding and is either still acting hungry or takes a short nap and wakes up starving. Or you could begin upping the amount now by 0.5oz and see if she leaves it or finishes it. You'll know, I promise.

We used to have smaller bottles but returned them after LO began disliking their nipples. This worked b/c for the next baby we'll just start him/her with the big bottles from the get-go, even if he/she starts at just 2oz, etc.
@bignfat5 That sounds totally normal. In our experience though, we would just make the bottle a little bigger (start with 0.5 oz) and see if she took it. Our daughter next expressed hunger cues after a bottle, but we just kept filling them higher and she just kept eating more!
@bignfat5 We were told a range of ~150-200ml of formula per kg of bodyweight, so even as their weight increases they can still be happy with roughly the same amount 👍

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