My daughter is 12 weeks old today and weighs about 11.5 lbs. It seems like, for the first month or so, she steadily increased her intake and then leveled off. She’s been at 3-4.5 oz per feed, ~25 oz/day, for like two months. I’m a bit worried bc we use the 4-5 oz bottles (I think 5 oz fits but only 4 oz is marked). We generally fill it to about 4.25 oz and I’d say she finishes it about half the time. She never seems hungry after feeds or we’d give her more. When do we move up to bigger bottles and start offering more to begin with? Am I overthinking this since her growth has been excellent? After all, if I was breastfeeding we’d have no clue what her intake was. How much do/did your babies eat at this age/weight?