How much expressed breast milk or formula (I’m feeding both) should I feed my 8.5 month old per 24 hours?

@jingshenbianxi I have always just fed baby as much as they wanted at that age. Especially breast milk. As long as they aren’t spitting up every 5 minutes I let them listen to their bodies.
@jingshenbianxi As long as your child doesn't have a problem with over eating you can pretty much let them decide how much. Could be anywhere between 24-32 ounces even give or take.
@jingshenbianxi I fed my baby responsively, so I started with 4 oz and added if he was still hungry. Some days he’d drink upwards of 40 oz, some days he’d drink 24. It depended on how much solid food he ate, if he was teething, going through a sleep regression, etc.
@jingshenbianxi Do you keep track how much baby is eating now? For us it stayed around 22-28oz depending on the day and did not change after we started combo feeding with formula. Sources told me it would very greatly once we added in formula but it did not change.
@emilylou97 I don’t keep track so much. He breastfeeds too. I think he drinks a lot at night. I use to get two big bottles in the morning from my pumping session. Now I only get around 80ml in an hour of pumping.
@jingshenbianxi It depends on how much solids they get, which is different for every baby. I just continued to feed on demand (also did a mix of breastfeeding and formula), so I never knew how much he got but he seemed happy and was growing fine.
@jingshenbianxi We were told 24-36oz is normal range for under one year and that solids should be supplemental to nursing/ bottles until age one (as in, not replace solids until after age one). After age one solids should start to take over the bulk and nursing/ expressed milk would be supplemental.

So that’s how much I’d offer, unless baby wan to more, then I’d give more.
@jingshenbianxi My son had around 24oz at that age. Some days where he ate more solids, he was around 22-24oz. On days where he ate fewer solids (or was in a growth spurt) he had more milk. I had read 24-32oz of breast milk in 24hrs was average.