how long is an IUD supposed to hurt after insertion?


New member
i had laparoscopic endometriosis surgery seven weeks ago, with excision from the uterine neighborhood and my bladder. they tried to remove an endometrioma (ovarian cyst), and the ovary was hemorrhaging, so they removed most of that with it. they said all of the ovary, at first, and then later said there is a tiny remnant.

i apparently also have adenomyosis and fibroids, so they also did a d&c and removed polyps and took a cervical clipping. i have a sensitive cervix and a very active vagus nerve (its an issue sometimes during sex), and my cervix and bellybutton are constantly telegraphing pain to each other since surgery.

anyhow, they put a mirena IUD in - my first IUD - while i was getting all of this done. i had been on the mini pill for years but my doctor thought it might control my pain better.

its been seven weeks and im still in tons of pain; no period yet, but intense period-like cramps almost every day. the doctor cant say why. she did ask whether i thought the IUD was working for me, and whether i wanted it out.

like - how the F should i have an opinion on the IUD, in the midst of all of this?

should i take it out so i have one less variable, or will that hormonal jump make my life worse?

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