@kcollins14 This sounds exactly like us
Our LO had a posterior tongue tie! It’s been revised.
My babe is in the 1st percentile at 4 lbs 12 oz though and was never able to take much.
She’s 8 1/2 lbs now at 13 weeks and she is generally taking 65 ml - 120 ml a feeding. On a good bottle she will drink 2 oz in 15 minutes. This is after the revision. It was well over double that before.
We spend hours a day feeding. My LO can’t latch so I pump and my husband and I bottle feed the milk. I make barely enough.
Over the past 7 days she’s averaged 7 feedings a day, averaged drinking 19.28 oz a day, averaged 2.7 oz a feed.
We just had an appointment with a speech n language therapist who specializes in feeding/oral movement and my babe does not know how to use her tongue at all.
She relies on her lips for suction (think like a straw) does not know how to flange lips. We have a bunch of exercises now to strengthen her tongue.
She also doesn’t have the natural gape/tongue out reflex though.