How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

@banlawya That is a very new development haha—I actually probably just jinxed myself by typing that. Just last week he was routinely getting up 3 hours after he went to sleep, so it’s still new enough that I’m kind of doubting that this is our new norm. Hoping it is though 🤞
@banlawya Almost a year and the sleep is just getting better than every 2-3 hours lol I think maybe we get 4 hours between now? Depends on the night and the time of night 🥴
@banlawya Generally it depends on how he naps during the day but LO verbally goes down around 7-8 and sleeps in his crib until around 1:00 at the most. Then we co sleep.
@banlawya Mine rarely slept long stretches by herself until she was 13 months old. So contact naps it was. By long stretch I mean 1-2 hours. She wakes up every 2-3 hours at night. Never once she slept through the night. And by that I mean 6 hours straight. Not a real full night. She is 15mo now. We are still co sleeping otherwise I would be dead.

Recently, I started to be able to do stuff in the evening, after we put her to sleep. I have 2 or 3 hours for myself if I am lucky. We transitioned her on a floor bed when she was 11mo and it helped a lot. I can nurse to sleep in her own bed and ninja out.

She never slept one night in her crib.