How do you find time to exercise?


New member
I have 2 daughters who are 3.5 and 15 months. I've set myself to be back to my pre baby weight (i.e. Losing 20lbs) by my youngest's 2nd Birthday.

I enjoy exercise. I love running, although I'm rehabing a knee injury at the moment, I like weights and enjoy yoga but I'm finding it so hard to find time to exercise. My 15 month old is up before 6am every day and between working, trying to keep the girls entertained and housework I'm just really struggling.

My youngest daughter doesn't sleep for more than 3 hours at a time so I'm up lots in the night and I'm so exhausted. I want to get back to healthy habits of exercising and eating well but damn, motherhood is kicking my butt at the moment.

Any tips or suggestions would be much appreciated!
@thesolution I get up at 5 or 5:30 am to workout. Baby asleep? Great. If not, husband up and at em so I can get it in. I'm a much happier person with 30-45 minutes to myself to exercise and start the day. It's a compromise and it works for us.
@thesolution I have no tips, but you're not alone. I have a 4.5 month old and a 2 year old and I'm full-time with both. I need to get clearance to fucking shower most days, my hair is falling out and I'm just trying to keep it together. My kids are adorable and bring me joy, but it seems like I'll never be able to truly workout as much as I need to get fit again.

Honestly, I just try to do lunges while pushing the double stroller and every now and then I'll squat with my son who us a huge 22lb baby.
@thesolution I understand! My baby is up 2-3 times per night and my older daughter is an early riser. I find it difficult to find the time as well. I’ve been focusing mostly on eating/dieting for that reason but I’m down to the last 10 pounds and I’m trying to add exercise for that extra push. I’m walking with the baby daily (long walks 3-5 km) and mustering in the treadmill where I can (morning naps, at night etc.) but it is hard to be consistent. I also signed up for a class at the gym once a week in the evening. I paid for it so I’m more likely not to skip it! My advice, focus on eating and throw in the exercise where and when you can. Good luck!
@wolly Thank you for responding. I think you're right that I should just try and do exercise here and there but focus on eating, that's not a time sensitive thing. I'm a perfectionist in the most negative sense in that I'm 'all or nothing', I find myself thinking; if I can't exercise every day they why bother? It's something I'm working on.
@thesolution I hear you! I love running 🏃‍♀️ too and not being able for a number of reasons has been frustrating. Also the lack of sleep is for real! Solidarity on that. It’s hard. Fingers crossed 🤞 for you. One day at a time!
@thesolution This is what I had to do. Prioritize myself for a little bit while I got back into shape. My mental health suffers when I'm not active enough and that's not good for anyone. My husband understood and figured out how to keep the kids occupied for 45 minutes a day while I exercised. Before, I would've taken that time to do laundry, vacuum, dishes... anything except what I needed to do for ME. Now my kids are old enough to be on the exact same sleep schedule so I can fit a run in before they wake up and work out either at naptime or right when they go to sleep. Yours will get there!

I recommend having everything ready to go and finding a home/streaming workout program you can get into so you'll feel invested in it and look forward to finishing. I've always had luck with the beachbody on demand programs to supplement running.
@davismiller001 Omg how did you walk for an hour when he was a week old? Wasn’t your vag sore? Im almost a month out and can’t go longer than 15 min without feeling it down there!
@thesolution I did lots of long walks postpartum with my oldest when she napped in the pram. It’s a lot harder to do that with two because the older one doesn’t want to sit that long!

I’ve just started doing some baby wearing workouts on YouTube (try Carifit) and really like them. You can do them when baby is awake or use the workout to get them drowsy enough to fall asleep. It’s not exactly ‘me time’ with a baby strapped to you but it is effective! My older one plays or I do them when my husband watches her.

For both kids I started calorie counting (not super strictly) when they were about six months old and that helped move the last 15-20lbs. I feel the diet is more important than the exercise for weight loss.
@thesolution Exercise is important but really I’ve found that just moving more and really cutting calories works better for me right now. I’ve managed to lose 13 of my 20lbs in the past 3 months without a lot of actual exercise.

édit: I’m almost 8 months postpartum.