How do you do it

@lisa79 Short answer you don’t..

If you have a YMCA in your town they usually have drop in care you can use while you work out. That’s what I used to do. It was included with membership at the time. The kids liked it because they got to play with their friends. It was typical the same kids each time.
@lisa79 I don't think you've fully comprehended what it means to lose whatever childcare your spouse provided before you guys split.

You can't make your old schedule fit into your now smaller amount of spare time.
@sweetsadie I don’t think you fully comprehend what my post said. Nothing about what I wrote said I’m trying to fit my old schedule into a new situation. That was the entire point of the post; to find NEW ways to maintain my CURRENT habits.
@lisa79 Hi. I think you mentioned you will be moving? If it's possible to find a place very near a friend or potential friend with a kid compatible with yours that could become a very valuable life enhancement for both families. I'm super lucky that I've become close friends with my neighbors, our kids can get together without making plans, and we watch each other's kids. It's huge.

Also, I recently got a rowing machine, which was a big investment. For me it's really doing the trick and my kids love using it too.

Finally, if their other parent is a decent parent, it's usually better for everyone to share custody in someway. And I recognize a lot of us are single parents because our ex- partners are not grown up enough to parent, and probably never will be
Good luck!!!.
@ashastrio Great ideas! I need to network more and make friends lol, all of my friends are out of state and it’s been hard to find friends here that don’t want to party all the time 🤦‍♀️ plus I’ve been so busy it’s hard to maintain new friendships. But I’m going to try.

And a treadmill or home machine might work too! I’m just a little nervous navigating all these new situations/changes so I appreciate your help/advice. Thank you!
@lisa79 To tell you the truth, I left my ex and eventually my son and I were in homeless shelters. It was unimaginable, and the people there were insane! However, we recently moved into a new apartment, it’s beautiful and affordable. We just had to search on every single forum and find out who was willing to work with us, as far as community organizations, and help advocate for us. We found a great place on Craigs list. Even heat and water are included. Working out may have to be a lesser priority for you for a little while. Also, use resources like friends, family and the dad. You can get food assistance if you need help and are scared about money resources. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and it really helps. There are also energy assistance programs available for single moms like seem really smart and I know with the right resources and counselors, you are going to be great
@lisa79 You realise you can’t do everything. I’ve had to lake a lot of sacrifices. It’s really really hard but there isn’t an alternative
@lisa79 Work out at home. If you’re doing it to get in shape or stay in shape, and not for socializing, there are a lot of free apps you can work out to. My friend who is a stay at home mom with three kids under the age of eight religiously works out at home. it’s doable. It just won’t be what you were doing before.
@lisa79 If you are having trouble finding time for the gym you could look into physical activities you enjoy doing with your child (walk around a park, ride bicycles, go to the zoo and walk around looking at animals, find classes in your area you can do together
@lisa79 I'm 6yrs out since my separation, and I had a 3, 4 &10yr old at the time. I had no personal time when the kids were with me. Either I was watching them, or I was at work and they were with a caregiver. Gym went right out the window for me, haven't been since just before my separation. I found other ways to stay active and involved my kids. My 'me time' mostly consisted of late night bubble baths after they were in bed, or going out when they were with their dad. The first year was the hardest, while I figured out the new balance, but it gets easier. Find a reliable , trustworthy babysitter for afternoons/evenings so you can have gym/personal time. Make it a part of the routine and you'll be fine. Will you have to change your routine to accommodate a less supportive lifestyle? Yes. Is it worth it? A thousand times yes. You've got this, don't let fear intimidate you too much 💜