@hasibiz I haven't made it thru many other comments yet but I wanted to comment in solidarity that I could have written this. My LO is 8m and catching up in weight finally, but we're lucky if we get her to drink 24 oz a day. Most days it's 20-21, with one or two kinds of solids now. Have really had to trust that she's getting what she needs, while constantly worrying that she's not getting enough. She's a peanut and had a cascading series of things leading to her dropping 15% birth weight in the hospital (tongue tie, my milk was delayed), and it's been a constant thing from there. We're seeing a GI now and she's not worried about her at all. She's growing in percentiles very slowly for weight so apparently what we're doing is working. Hang in there and from one worrier to another, we probably don't have to worry so much we're doing better than we think!!