How did weaning off oxygen go?


New member
Hello! My son was born at 34+5 and is currently 37+5 adjusted. He’s been on 0.3 L of oxygen for about a week now.

Apparently there was some miscommunication between the doctors and nurses, the doctors thought he’s been at 0.1 L for days, but he’s still at 0.3 L. I asked to start weaning yesterday, but they wanted to wait until his NG tube was out. Their plan was to go down 0.1 L every 48 hours until he’s weaned.

Little man figured out feeding over the past 3 days and got his NG tube out (hooray!) Overall he seems like a whole new baby! His tone is better, more alert, finishing every bottle plus an extra 10 mL sometimes! The same doctor told me her new plan is to wean him right down to 0.1 L tomorrow. Part of me is excited, but I’m also nervous. They keep warning me that sometimes babies have to be put back on oxygen or have a hard time coming off the 0.1 L. I absolutely don’t want to get my hopes up about leaving anytime soon.

How did your kids do coming off of oxygen? Was there a lot of back and forth with weaning? Thanks!
@tony101 My son was taken off oxygen and then put on several times. He was discharged on oxygen and was able to wean off of it completely in a couple weeks. I credit his pulmonologist who put him on a daily regimen of budesonide.
@tony101 We did have lots of back and forth. The docs called them trials, not necessarily set backs, which helped me emotionally not to spin out. My little one has a lung disease so his weaning is going to be an ongoing process over years at home, but even when he would “fail” some weaning tests, he would do better over the next couple of days when tried again!
@tony101 My kiddo was on room air for about 36 hours and then went back on oxygen right before discharge. It's totally normal to have some ups and downs even though I remember feeling absolutely devastated about it. Do what you can to have realistic expectations, but it's normal to get your hopes up even if you tell yourself you're not. Good luck!!