How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

@edwina958 MVAs are the leading cause of death for kids the in US. I’m sure you still have your kid in the car. My point is I don’t think covid is really something you can rationally worry about with kids all that much. That being said parenthood makes many of us irrational and we want to eliminate all risk to our children.
@edwina958 Son is 19 months, daughter is 2.5 months. We are back to full normal, only adding a few extra precautions around the holidays so we don't get sick and miss family gatherings. I'm vaxxed and boosted, wife is vaxxed and has a few more months until boosted. Our concern is more for exposure to grandparents than my wife, myself or our kids getting sick so its about managing those interactions more than our own.
@edwina958 So just so everyone is clear the vaccine for the 2 to 4 year olds could be available as early as April of 2022 and probably no later then June this is not that long a wait. They just need to re adjust the dosage and will start new trials in a few weeks. As to us my 30 month old she is wearing a mask in doors now that she is old enough except in her swim class and we still limit outings. My husband and I are vaccinated and boosted as are all our family and we wear masks when indoors. We expect emergency approval before my daughter turns 3 at the end of July since they are just increasing the dose so it is at the same level that is being given to the 5 year olds. I plan to get my daughter into some dance and other classes next fall since we are secular homeschoolers and don't plan to send her to school.