How are people with fitness goals doing?

@rtellard I haven't been sleeping well either...not sure what's going on there, because I can count on one hand the number of times I've gone to bed at night and not fallen asleep within 10 minutes. Hope things get better for you soon! :)
@12grace12 Awesome work! I did one of the kickboxing workouts on Fitness Blender for a while and thought it was great!

My fitness goals are coming along well. Before Easter I was down 7kg.. then Easter happened and after that we went to India for 2 weeks (omg, the hotel buffet breakfast...) and now it's shark week so I've been avoiding the scales so as not to put myself off haha.

Hoping to start yoga in the next couple of weeks, but other than that I've just been calorie counting and walking my dog :)
@12grace12 I used to be so good and have so much willpower but I have no idea where it went. I know I need to start (re-start) eating better and doing some kind of exercise but my motivation is seriously lacking. I'll try to draw some motivation from you guys, you sound like you're kicking ass.
@12grace12 I ran a 10k on Sunday! I used to run a lot and then a bunch of things happened that threw me off my routine. It's been a few years, so I started a 13 week training program in January. It wasn't a fast run, but I ran the entire thing fairly easily! I'm very pleased with myself. :)
@12grace12 Its such a good way of keeping distracted! Amazing!

I've got myself into a running routine, and my distance is improving slowly but surely. 10K is my max so far and its haaard.. but I think labour will be worse and thats the thought that keeps my legs moving.
@12grace12 Going great! I've been counting calories and experimenting with intermittent fasting and I'm down 5 pounds! I'm also really enjoying jogging around my neighborhood every day and trying to make it a habit. I have a baby bucket list goal of running a marathon. It's a lofty goal, but I do have a lot of time to get there, and I'm on the right path to achieving that now! :)
@12grace12 Not good but I NEED to start. My boss actually got a personal trainer for our company. Our first meeting is next Sunday and it'll be once a week for 8 weeks. I'm really excited I have the opportunity, but also really, really nervous about it because I'm so out of shape. And I have a really good schedule for working out at the moment (working 11 to 7pm, could easily work out in the morning) but I'm just so anxious for some reason and can't seem to start. Yesterday I put on work out clothes and ran a little but it was really brief. : / Once I'm in the swing of things I know I can do this but starting is haaaard for me.