How are people with fitness goals doing?


New member
I know a number of us have fitness goals - how's it going??

Today will be day 4 of exercise for me! Shout-out to @kellyy08 for introducing me to Fitness Blender. I've only done one day so far, but loved it!! My schedule every week is going to be Couch to 5k M/W/Sat, strength training Su/Tu, and yoga on Thursday (really wanted Fridays off, haha). I think this is the first time in my life I'm actually excited to seriously exercise.
@12grace12 It was going great since the beginning on the year and I was down 12 pounds. Then I slacked off for nearly 3 weeks and gained 3 off so pounds back. But I got back into my routine this week. Insanity M - S and weight lifting MWF. Sunday is an of day but we normally hike on Sundays so not really an of day.
@gotable123 Let me just say your routine is impressive. I can only rarely drag myself through 4 workouts per week and you're doing like 9!

Do you have some deep magical secret? :p
@kellyy08 Lol no deep magical secret. The weight lifting is fun and doesn't take too long. Idk what is called though. Intervals I think. And I'm not doing the insanity by their schedule. I just pick which ones I want to do on each day. On Mondays I either do the fit test our cardio abs, Tuesday is core cardio and balance, Wednesday is pure cardio, Thursday is cardio recovery, Friday coffee cardio and balance again and Saturday is sports training. I hate the other exercises for insanity because they work in circuits so you roast the same exercises 3 times/circuit and there are 4 or 5 circuits. I get bored so I only do the workouts that don't repeat the same exercises. I like those exercises because none of them are super long, well besides sports training which is almost an hour but I do that on the weekend so that doesn't matter too much. It also shows results pretty quick so it keeps me going.
@12grace12 Good for you!!! Being excited to exercise is the best way to get in shape! :D

My fitness goals are finally on track too!!! I decided to restart Kayla Itsines bikini body guide, but instead of the cardio days, I'm doing yoga. The last time I did the guide, my body fat percentage got very low, and I don't want that to happen again. I'm already skinny, I'm just trying to get healthy and build muscle!

I'm on day 7 and I feel a bit sore, but really good overall!
@pleasehelp1 I feel you. I've been underweight my whole life (my mother fondly remembers that people used to stop her in the grocery store and ask her if she fed me when I was like 3 years old). I'm close to 5'9'' and weight ~122 lbs, so while I definitely don't need to lose weight, I'm skinnyfat in the sense that there are some love handles I would like to lose. :/
@12grace12 Oh geez! That's so rude!!! My mom is the exact same height/weight as you, and I'm 5'6" and like 118lbs, but i'm just so.... soft. :/ And not the good soft, the "there's visceral fat drawing your organs but your still look skinny" soft.

Are you trying to put on muscle? I'm really focusing on strengthening my core because that will help with carrying baby belly weight and aid in an easier labor.
@pleasehelp1 I'm definitely trying to put on muscle, mostly in my arms (so noodle-y and weak) and core. I want my heart to be healthy and mostly I want to be fit before pregnancy because I know the healthier I am beforehand, the easier it will be to return to pre-pregnancy body afterward.
@12grace12 Definitely. I of course want to be healthy for my baby, but let's be honest! I also aim to bounce back as quick as possible after pregnancy, and the better shape you're in before hand, the easier it is. :D
@12grace12 Good for you!! Its so. hard. for me to stick to exercising, but I've been doing....okay....the last few weeks. I'm hoping that getting closer to my TTC date will only help my motivation! And seeing posts like yours =)
@piccadilly Fitness Blender (here! is my favorite source of workout videos! They're a really down to earth husband/wife team with some really awesome stuff, all videos available for free on youtube and searchable with tons of filters on their site.

They also have some programs available for purchase that are procured schedules of their workout videos. I've done a couple of them and they weren't bad (I did FB Booty, lol, and FB Abs), but overall I prefer to pick my own. The programs are really nice if you need some direction though, or to figure out what you like.

I promise I'm not at all associated with them -- I'm just a very happy customer/fangirl. They helped me figure out how to strength train and I freakin' love it. :)
@12grace12 That's awesome, keep it up.

As for my goals...ha!

Actually, so far so good. If my cycles are as FF predicted (unlikely, but it gives me a target to aim for), I'll be TTC exactly 1 year from yesterday. So I decided to make the 1 year mark my start date for SERIOUSLY getting in shape. I did a pilates routine yesterday and it felt really good. Sore today, but that's a good thing right? I'm going to start with 3 times a week, and see if I can get my husband to start taking evening walks with me when he's done his exams next week. We'll see how long I can stay motivated, I might have to mix it up a bit.
@12grace12 Awesome! I love Fitness Blender so much, it makes me really happy to send people there and have them enjoy it too.

My own fitness goals are a bit touch and go right now, because I'm a teacher and we're nearing the end of the semester. You have motivated me to make sure I do some serious working out tonight though!

My overall plan has been an upper body workout, a lower body workout, a miscellaneous core/cardio/something workout, and a stretching workout each week. I'm struggling because I am so damn busy, but I hope to make it a solid habit again. I don't really have weight loss goals -- I just know I feel so much better physically and mentally when I'm regularly kicking ass. :)

Edited to add: did a lower body strength routine as promised, woot!
@kellyy08 Awesome job!! I did yoga as planned, though probably not as much as I should have. Shitty day at work, which I shouldn't let bother me/should have channeled into my yoga, but oh well. Something is better than nothing! I'll pretend like I lost some calories vicariously through you for today :)
@12grace12 Well done on the yoga. :)

I keep telling myself that sneaking some yoga in every day I'm not otherwise exercising would be a good idea, but I can't seem to motivate myself. It should be is great. But motivation is hard!
@12grace12 Oh my goodness it's going horribly.

We've been so stressed and I haven't been sleeping, so I have barely done anything at all (and yes, I know exercise will help with stress and sleeping). After this weekend a lot of my crazy work stuff will be done so I'll be out of excuses and hopefully get off off my ass.