Holy daycare sickness, Batman!


New member
I’ll preface this by saying that I know children get sick in daycare - I’m an educator with nearly 12 years of experience! I’ve seen it all!

But my 10 month old started at care (my place of employment) 6 weeks ago. Only 6! In that time he has had HFM, a green nose that will not go away even after an entire week away from care, and now gastro. He has been absent from care at least one day a week for 5 of the 6 weeks he has been enrolled 😭. Maybe I’m just feeling extra sensitive about it because he’s mine, but I don’t think I have ever known a child to get sick so many times so early on.

I know it will get better, but it’s pretty crap being in the thick of it! Looking after a sick baby, my husband having to take work off where he can and having to call in all the favours I can so I can still go to work to pay for the days he isn’t even attending, has definitely cemented for me that we are OAD. I don’t know how people cope with multiple sick children!!

Sorry for the rant 😮‍💨
@hugoeisenhour This was one of the most stressful things for me once our boy started daycare at 12 months. He has been there 2 years now and I can happily report the sickness has slowed down but it does have peaks still.

It impacted my mental health so much not knowing if we could go out as a family on the weekend and having to take time off from my job which I love. It also made family gatherings stressful because I didn't know if my boy would get sick two days later which would mean he was carrying the bug when I saw family (who also had young kids).

All this to say you aren't alone and it sucks!
@jamesharvey39571 I’m in the same boat as you. Started last year and have an almost 2 year old now that definitely doesn’t get as sick as frequently anymore. It was so brutal on top of work and everything else we juggle. Glad to be using less sick leave now that’s for sure!
@hugoeisenhour We’re in the trenches with you.

My kid started daycare just before she turned a year in January, and we’ve had two viral infections (currently dealing w the second infection), and noro virus. She’s having a blast though, so that’s good, but it sucks to pay hundreds of dollars for full time care when she’s barely there 20 hours a week and then she’s away for a whole week at a time afterwards. 😩
@praisebetohisnoodliness I knew it was coming, but it is so hard 🥲

My son loves it, too! Thankfully he settles back in relatively easily - although this is helped by the fact he’s known his educators since the day he was born basically haha

I’m hoping it slows down when he stops putting things in his mouth and learns we keep our smooches for home.
@hugoeisenhour When I started working at a daycare I was sick 6 months straight, had the worse strep I had in my life and couldn't catch a break. I finalky took a 2 week vacation and was able to recover and got better after that, but damn daycares/schools are petry dishes. I used to bleach most of the classroom, wash hands of my kids, my hands... not enough.
@hugoeisenhour Solidarity. 12m old started nursery 5 weeks ago and he (and then we) have had two horrific viral infections.

The house is a total state and we're exhausted.

Thoroughly depressing paying nursery fees yesterday...!
@hugoeisenhour We just had 4 separate bouts of gastro in 4 months. I actually live in fear of the tell tale signs of gastro now. Plus we've had covid and the regular colds and viruses they pick up. We had tests done to make sure it's not a gut infection and they were negative, but I wish they'd been positive so we could nuke the bustards and be done!
@hugoeisenhour My son's first winter, first year of daycare was insane.

12 weeks of constant sickness, sleepless nights and stress. Each winter since then, it has progressively gotten not as bad but holy cow that first year was brutal.
@hugoeisenhour Here with you girl. Ours started daycare at 16 months (in November—beginning of winter where I live and it just about killed all of us. The worst was every fucking DAY of December. RSV followed by ear infection followed by stomach bug followed by double ear infection, followed by unexplained fever for a couple days. The worst part? We were sick right along with her. My wife traded RSV with me and we both got Covid. Plus the stomach bug.

@mac4701 Ugh, being sick and looking after a sick baby is absolutely brutal!! My poor husband has been copping it from the bugs bub is bringing home from the baby room AND the ones I’m bringing home from the toddlers at work.

We haven’t hit winter yet, but I’m not holding high hopes that we will get through it unscathed 😭
@hugoeisenhour My son is 5 and has been in daycare since he was 6 months old. Great, they said, it will build his immune system they said.


Every year is hell but this year is especially bad. Since October, it’s been HFM (which I also caught and it’s horrific in adults), RSV, stomach bug, stomach bug, cold, flu immediately followed by COVID. Just woke up this morning with his eye crusted shut so I’m assuming pink eye.