Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

@missmariemonique This is a really good point!! Its funny because she was so young when she started day care that this wasn't an issue but lately she's really been upset going in and I've wondered if it's because it's on T/Th and not super consistent
@ccmrockman How focused is your WFH spouse? Are they more productive/ have more meetings in the morning or afternoon? Because that is looking like one of the major differences - morning or afternoon. So does that matter to your spouse? You can't really guess at what the baby's schedule will be, so knowing how the pre-k schedule, pick up, drop off, etc, will interact with the work schedule and the eating schedule will make a difference.

Also, that is a big difference in money if money is tight. How does that play in the budget?

Have you visited them both? Sometimes, it's just about what feels right.

I know, I'm giving you questions, not answers, but the Internet shouldn't choose for you. Hopefully this gives you a couple new ways to think about it to help you decide!
@heatherolivia Thank you! This is all good to think about. I hadn't thought about scheduling for his work, so I'll discuss it with him later.

Technically we can afford the $999 but it's really hard to say no to something that's nearly half that! And we expect our expenses will go up with the second baby.

I've visited them both and they are both charming, so my gut is flip flopping.
@ccmrockman What is the coops commitment? I was torn between a coop preschool and regular preschool earlier this year. The coop required a parent to do parent-teaching 1 of every 8 of my son's school days (8 students) as well as take a role on the board (weekly time commitment) and participate in community days (I think 2 out of 4 scheduled Saturdays per year). Ultimately you have to weigh what you value your time's cost in addition to the tuition.
I forgot to mention the co-op comes with family jobs, so we'd have to do 30 hours a year spread out doing random things (laundry, making play-dough etc) hence the reason it's so affordable! Also attend a family meeting once a month... So it's not unmanageable ... but it is a time commitment
@ccmrockman If you like the cheaper one, nothing wrong with using that as a reason! But with such a difference in time, it's worth talking about schedule. I've never seen a PreK with that late schedule before. It's cool that it's an option, but is it the right option for your family is the question.
@heatherolivia They do have an earlier time slot (8:30-12:30 I think) but it would require a parent to be in the classroom one or two days a week, which with a newborn we won't be able to swing. I think that's the issue, the price is hard to say no to considering I'm not going to be bringing in much income, BUT is it worth the schedule? Not sure anymore!
@ccmrockman I am Jewish and sent my son to a jewish preschool program. I really loved that he was exposed to parts of our culture there, as my family isn’t super religious. They do Shabbat every Friday and he loves it. They learned about the different holidays. It’s really nice.

That being said, if finances are the issue, I’d go with what works best for your family. The 6pm pickup time at the coop seems tough. I do have a second though and as they get older the 1pm pickup time does throw a wrench in the younger ones nap time (my younger is 20 months, my older is 5.5)

Edited to add: case in point, 20 month old fell asleep at 12:30 today until 3:30 lol
@mrseedsower That's a really good point about the nap schedule! One positive about my husband WFH is that if the baby is napping already at home, I can walk to pick up my older one. Maybe that's incredibly naive since I don't remember anything about baby naps during the first year :(

I also am conflicted about the 6pm pick up time! It seems so late...
@ccmrockman I have done co-op preschool with both my kids, and I loved being involved! it is more of a commitment, but it was also so fun.. and you really get a community, I loved being able to set up play dates and stay busy
@ccmrockman I would do the 9-1 option, that’s what we did. The walk is great. Have the toddler sleep at home afterwards. Gives you a good amount of time to rest when the baby naps in the morning or catch up on lifemin.

Thank you everyone for posting! I really appreciate the fresh perspective. While initially we were leaning toward the co-op, We are now going forward with the Jewish pre-k.

Your comments that helped us re-evaluate:
  • My husbands WFH schedule: More productive and more meetings in the morning
  • Consistency of 9-1, 4 days in a row, and closest to a Kindergarten schedule.
  • Potential to nap at home/rest time at home.
  • Closer location on foot, easy for either my husband and I to do drop off/pick up.
  • Rethinking co-op requirements because of exhaustion in the first year of a new baby.
  • She gets to learn/celebrate our holidays in school!
In retrospect the biggest reason we were leaning toward the co-op is the cost, but for an extra 100 dollars a week, if we can have an easier commute, schedule and consistency, it's hopefully worth the trade off!
@ccmrockman Are those coop hours really 12:30-6:00? Is going to 6:00 a normal thing places do? That sounds so late in the day!

I think the Jewish preschool sounds nice, she’ll like the consistency of 4 days a week and the hours are nice - don’t have to be up too early and if she still naps she can get home at a good time to do that.
@ccmrockman I would pick based on your nap schedule. My toddler naps at 2 so the Jewish pre-K would be ideal. Also doing pick up around the same time as dinner and the witching hour might be a little chaotic.
@oluwayinka Yes, my toddler still naps also around 1:30/2, but I worry she will be over napping by the time the baby comes (she will be 3.4) BUT great point about dinner/witching hour!

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