help, never had sex ed


New member
Hello. This is a throwaway acc.

TW: "graphic" text, personal

A peen has never actually entered my kitty.

"Deed 1": On the 4th day of my period, I gave him a h job, he came and we both washed our hands after with soap. Around 20-30 min later i fingered myself. I started overthinking so he got me plan b the next day, at almost 24 hrs later. After 4 days, I bled heavily for 3 days like another period.

("deed" 1: nov 2nd, plan b: nov 3rd, started bleeding nov 6-9/10)

"Deed 2": On Nov 13th, 10 days later, I gave him another h job, twice. He did not use the bathroom in between, we just cleaned it off with a towel. After the 2nd h job, he put on his boxers, I had no underwear on. We grinded for around 2/3-4 minutes. The spot my kitty was on was wet, he had pre-cum and so did I. Got me another plan B the next day. 5 days later, my period for that month came early (was supposed to come on the 30th, came on the 17/18th), it was heavy, with small clots, super dark red at times, absolutely normal period for me.

Was supposed to get period dec 15, no sign. I might have ovulated on dec 16th (not sure but had ovulation pain i usually get, just shorter, and discharge was white with eggwhitey mix, very elastic)

Since then, no sign of period yet. Should I be concerned? Or am I going crazy? Clearly im overthinking so that isnt helping things either. Ive literally never had penetrative sex, and I am not mother mary. It was pre-cum under his boxers, but it made that spot under my kitty wet. I'm scared, I am under 21, ive never had to take plan b before, and im too scared to ask my mom. please help

TLDR: 4th day of period, Hand job, came, washed my hands w soap, later fingered myself. took plan b just in case, got heavy bleeding 4 days later.

10 days after hand job twice, cleaned with towel and washed hands thoroughly w soap, put his boxers on, no panties on me, we grinded, wet spot on that place we grinded, pre cum from both of us. plan b after, 5 days after this early period.

now period delayed, overthinking, scared, nervous

Edit: I know I'm stupid for doing that and need to educate myself on this properly.
@georgiagurl01 None of these acts can get you pregnant. You need to stop taking Plan B unless you have unprotected penetrative sex. Plan B is a huge dose of hormones and can explain all of your symptoms and cycle irregularities. One is enough to cause side effects that can last for months, so two is bound to cause some more long term effects. Wait it out and take the time to educate yourself on how pregnancy works before doing anything sexual again. Here are some links for you to start with:,an%20egg%2C%20it's%20called%20fertilization.
@georgiagurl01 the plan B delays your period. you do not need to keep taking plan b in these instances. you have no risk of pregnancy here and you are putting your body through massive waves of hormones for no reason.