Help me

@l_noel maybe try adding more formula alone before anything else? the first month my babe wasn’t gaining enough so we upped his formula and in 2 weeks he had great weight gain. have you tried giving more than 2oz at a time? my son is 12 weeks and does 4.5 oz every 3 hours or so
@l_noel That’s a long time to finish a feed, she might get getting tired. The next size up might help. My daughter eats slow too and with the number 2 we got her feeds down to half an hour.
@l_noel Yeah that's way too long for a feed. We were dealing with that with our son. First we switched to size 2 nipples on the Dr. Brown bottles, but he ended up doing better with a different brand of bottles. Keep experimenting, but the length of time to eat and thus small portions is almost certainly a contributing factor to the poor weight gain