Help me eat lunch!

@angel222 Honestly.... lately I’ve been too tired to cook dinner so I’ve been ordering out and eating left overs. It’s been sushi or hoagies.. some sort of sandwich with fries. Today I actually did some shopping and made a deli sandwich. I bought fixings for tacos and ribs this week. For breakfast I had eggs and toast. Idk I’m kind of all over the place.

When my husband is done work I go to the gym 2-3 times a week. I like to use their sauna before and after my workout. Sometimes I just stay a little extra so I don’t have to come home right away. Yesterday after the gym I went to the smoke shop and got myself a new piece. Idk it’s little things like that. I also put together a vegetable garden bed and put together a little spot in the backyard for my gardening. Now that it’s getting nicer near me I’m taking advantage of the outdoors.
@angel222 I eat when they eat. They usually have the same things as we eat just make sure that it’s cut appropriately for their age and no choking hazards.
@lfedora Yes! This. We only cook one meal in our house, dinner, everyone eats together from day one. Lunch is yesterday’s dinner, again, all together. Snack got her, breakfast together, etc.
@angel222 We eat a hearty breakfast (oatmeal with berries, toast with veggies and eggs), skip lunch, and then dinner. We have snacks during the day, like mandarins, dates, apples and peanut butter, etc. I have 2 little ones, one is remote learning and one is homeschooled (preK). I also do not have time to make 3 nutritious meals a day and this works teally well for us.
@angel222 My go to quick meal is a peanut butter and banana wrap. Smear some PB on a wrap, put a banana on top, roll it and get shit done while eating something delicious and relatively healthy. I try and keep easy veggies available on the table or counter for snacks for whoever is hungry during the day too, so whatever isn’t eaten by lunch gets eaten by me.
@angel222 You definitely will feel better if you’re eating! And drinking plenty of water too. I have an almost 4 year old and a 14 month old. We have a kid table where they eat breakfast and I have some tea. 14 month old does a lot of wandering and I allow it. When I am making them lunch I also make myself some oatmeal with fruit and PB and coffee. We all eat together at the kid table. I have lunch just before everyone wakes up from their naps, around 2. A sandwich, leftovers, a can of vegetable soup...easy things that I can manage in 30 minutes or less. I start preparing dinner around 5:30 to eat at 6:15, we don’t eat meat so cooking is usually faster. Kids are watching tv while I cook. We all eat together at the big table for a family dinner with 4 year old in a chair and 14 mo in her high chair. She never lasts and ends up on my lap or wandering around. I try to prepare and serve things that the kids can eat independently.
@angel222 I've been making smoothies for my 3 year old (mostly to keep him regular, he struggles with constipation). I use a yogurt base, and have lots of bags of frozen fruits in the freezer, and i also sneak baby carrots and spinach in there. Usually fresh pear, banana, and frozen strawberry, blueberry, mango, pineapple. Sometimes honey ot turmeric. I make enough for both of us. Even if the rest of the day's nutrition is shot, i feel good that we at least got that in us! On days when I don't have time to make smoothies, i usually just eat yogurt and an apple and some cashews.
Good luck!
@angel222 SAHD to 3 wild ones. 5yo twins and a 7 yo. I hear you about forgetting to eat and end up eating what you cook the kiddos. Make a point of eating and drinking fluids and you’ll feel wayyyyyyy more even keeled.
@angel222 Naptime or quiet time. It's okay to not sleep, but there is a window with two hours of quiet. They can play at their room. They have a lamp that glows when its quiet time and when its over, they can come out. They know to come out if there is an emergency etc.
@angel222 We all eat the same food. We keep it very simple during the week and make more complex meals on weekends. Example: today we ate crackers, cheese, pepperonis, and a spread of fruit for lunch. It was easy to cut up and let my toddler eat on their own while I fed my baby the fruit. There’s no shame in eating “kid meals”. This weekend we’re going to have a traditional roast dinner with gravy and all. The only time I let my kids eat differently than me is breakfast because it’s simple to make.
@angel222 Frozen burritos or other no prep heat up items. Leftovers, chicken nuggets etc. I can't really give advice as to when my only is 16 months. Right now I eat whenever I fix him his lunch.
@angel222 I struggle with this too. 3.5 year old boy and 10 month old girl. My oldest doesn’t nap anymore and the youngest naps twice but only if I hold her and she’s the lightest sleeper on the planet. And she’s breastfed still and allergic to everything so I can’t even eat most of the easy things to just grab or eat my sons leftovers. I’ve been surviving on kind granola bars that are free from eggs, dairy and peanuts lol
@angel222 If I cook a meal, I make extra protein, and keep it as leftovers. While I’m making lunch, I heat up some tortillas and the proteins, throw on some salsa, cream, and pickled onions. I eat tacos for lunch every single day. It’s the best
@angel222 I eat with the kids (5 and 1). I generally grab a bunch of premade salads from Trader Joe’s for the week so I have something easy to just grab and eat. If I’m out of those, I will make a bigger lunch for them that I also eat (sandwiches work great), or we have dinner leftovers so there’s no additional meal to make.
@angel222 I like to have meal shakes handy for days like this. I have a powdered kind sitting on the counter in my kitchen so it’s in front of my face and I remember to use it when I need it and the already made liquid ones are even easier. Just grab and go! Of course, I wouldn’t suggest doing this for every meal every single day, but they do help on a busy day in a pinch.