Help. I don't know what to do..

@fluxie So…you know the mother, her kids also, pretty well. However, you are being pursued or in a situation, with the woman’s ex? Does he know, and how small is your village?
@unknown26 My village?? I knew OF him from her but never met him...the town isn't small but isn't too big. He didn't know I knew her at first, but he does now.
True. I'm not necessarily worried about walking away from him, but I will be sad about those girls... they don't deserve the neglect from their dad. Idk just worried they won't have someone to lean on if I dip..
@fredbelieves It's not their safety I don't think he would actually hurt his kids and he lives with his family due to this economy and stuff( same with me so I'm not gunna judge based on that) so I know they eat, I just don't think they get much attention while with him. He seems preoccupied with punany/possible punany. Like a horny teenager. Oh, and their mom has custody, so I'm not too worried.
@fluxie Leave that homless man who assaults his family members in the trash where he belongs. You'd be doing his kids a favor by ghosting him because too many of his type will try till get more custody once they get a girlfriend to take care of them on his time. But that would just mean talking kids away from their non- neglectful parent.
  1. I wouldn't do that. I know their momma. Have since high school. 2. He's not homeless, just living with his parents, and so am I with my kid, so I won't judge that. 3. I already blocked him on everything after telling him I couldn't take it further because of aforementioned problems.
@katrina2017 You sound mad for different reasons, and they could be personal to you and not this situation... I'm ONLY not judging his living situation because of this economy. There is no reason to call him homeless. And how do you know he has barely any custody?? I didn't mention his custody agreement because it's none of my business. BUT since you brought it up, he has his kids every 3-4 days for overnights, and most of the weekend during the day. I don't think he has "barely any" custody.
I'm ONLY not judging his living situation because of this economy.

I'm like a decade older than you and you defintely should not judge men by the same standard you'd judge yourself when it comes to work and employment.

It's hard to describe how much men play on easy mode when it comes to obtaining gainful employment. They basically need a pulse and some enthusiasm to get into skilled work, the standards and so differnt than how most employers deal with female candidates.

That's why if a man is underemployed or unemployed livng with his parents there's a strong possibility that the problem is with him and his motivation to work.
@fluxie This is my kids with their dad. He won’t let them come to my place on his time even if he just leaves them all alone to go be with his girlfriend. (Which he does a lot). The poor kids feel so unimportant. All he focuses on is her and dating apps behind her back (according to the kids). It sucks so much and there’s nothing I can do
@fola Well, I have custody, and my sons dad never did anything wrong. This state, the moms automatically get custody unless there is something seriously wrong with her...