HELP- I’m so overwhelmed and tired from different birth control. I don’t know what to do…


New member
16-19 y/o - Rigevidon (pill) - before I was sexually active and would forget to take

19-22 y/o - Implant (Nexplanon- progestogen only) - unaliving thoughts, depression

Brief gap 1 month- felt enormously better off hormones

22 y/o - Copper IUD (5 year) - had this for 7 months- EXTREME pain, excessive bleeding, fatigue

22 y/o - Mirena IUS (5 year) - In for just 1 month- Low mood, unaliving thoughts, bad pain, constant spotting, uncontrollable acne, constantly greasy hair and skin

22 y/o - NuvaRing - only been on this for one week but have started to have visual disturbances…

I don’t know what to do from here… I have ADHD so pills aren’t the best if I’m actually trying to prevent pregnancy.

The sexual health nurse said there’s maybe the depo shot but that is progestogen and lasts for three months so if I have unaliving thoughts again there would be no way to stop them

There’s also the patch but I have autism and am worried I will constantly feel it and eventually pick it off

TLDR: Should I keep the ring in for a bit longer? Should I try a different method?
@researchprinceton This seems to be the logical option but will result in less sex due to my bf not being in the mood as often when he knows he’ll have to put one on. I can sympathise as I get overwhelmed by strange textures too- would femdom be an option?
@usernametaken Female condoms could be an option, but they are slightly less effective and again there would be an issue with the texture. Maybe you could try the pill again but have your boyfriend take a more active role in helping you remember them? Like he reminds you to take it when you’re having breakfast and you take it in front of him so both of you know you’re protected. I used to forget to take my pill sometimes so I sent pictures/ videos of myself taking it to my friend and she helped me keep on track. Just an idea!
@usernametaken Aura is generally only a problem with estrogen-containing birth control, so you would most likely be fine on a mini pill that only contains progestin. There are lots of options. Mini pills generally have a window of 3 hours in which they have to be taken to ensure effectiveness, but there’s actually a new mini pill called Slynd that has a 24 hour window, so even if you were a few hours late you’d still be completely protected.
@usernametaken I've heard great things about skyn condoms if you go the non hormonal route, as you do seem very sensitive to hormones. You can also do FAM and abstain during your fertile window or he can suck it up and put it on- your mental health is way more important and he can share in the job of preventing pregnancy instead of leaving it all up to you