Help figure out an optimal schedule


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I have been tracking my 3 month old’s (13 weeks) natural sleep patterns for two weeks. This is what his body more or less just wants to do:
Basically 90/120/120/(?)(/?)(?)
Let me explain.
This first part of the day is legit like a clock. Every day is the same:
Wake up 7:30, nap1 9-10:30, nap 2 12:30-2pm,
Then nap 3 and 4 comes along. He does something different every single day! And somehow also falls asleep at 8:30 on the dot every day. The thing is for nap 3 and 4 he cannot stay awake longer than 30 minutes.

So fast forward to now. We’re trying to remove the feed to sleep association. Not sleep training, just sleep hygiene! Want him to sleep with different help that will be easier to S.W.A.P as he gets older. So based on this we’re like alright. Bed time is now 8:30 and you obviously need 2 hours wake time before falling asleep.

But you guys! I CANNOT make it work! He will not sleep longer OR less than half an hour and there is no nap routine that fits in 2 hours before 8:30 (I think?) we are doing everything for that last nap think contact baby wearing feeding whatever.

So what is more important do you think ? Moving baby’s bedtime up to 6:30 pm - doable but not ideal as I’d have to do the pre bed routine alone. Keeping him miraculously awake 4 hours before bedtime at 8:30? Moving bedtime back to 9:30? Wake up time still HAS to be at 7:30. Shave off nap times in beginning of day? Shorten or lengthen natural wake windows? Another idea?

I’m at a loss here. Please help.

@zico1234 Explain the nap routine part? Why doesn’t a nap routine fit into a 2 hr ww?

Ours is 2-5 minutes long. Jammies, diaper, sack/swaddle, book, bed. Age pending - either then nurse to sleep prior to sleep training or place in bed awake.

Different every day makes sense. Baby is still tiny. For us at this age bed was usually 9-11pm and not locked in. Whatever was good for age appropriate last ww and a 10-12 hour night.
@despina Woops! Didn’t mean nap routine as in what is done before napping but as in the times for the next two naps to make it to 8:30 bed time he seems to like so much like if we put him to nap 2 hours later it’s 4-4:30. Then two hours later is 6:30-7 then 2 hours later now bed time is at 9. Well he doesn’t seem to like 9 as. Bedtime haha 😂 (based on all the times he’s fallen asleep at 9. Our night wake ups are weirdly just so much better when he’s asleep at 8:30 and has a 2 hour wake window before 8:30.

Nap routine(as in how he falls asleep for naps) is currently…fall asleep on mom. We had a TIME getting this babe in a crib at night and aren’t ready to remove contact naps until we’re doing better at night.

Pre bed routine is like 35 min eating then 20 minute bath then pyjamas sleep sack white noise and bed

I haven’t slept more than 3 hours since the babe is born. So my math is just not matching anymore!!!
@zico1234 Have you seen the pinned post with max wws for this age? I wonder if your baby is exhausted from the day by evening. Those are long wws in the am!