He’s asleep before 7…

@crushpsych He used to wake up between 1 and 3 at least twice a week and apparently be done sleeping for the night. So glad we’re done with that. Re the nipple request: this is when I say nope, they’re sleeping 🤪
@shoemaker 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 it's funny that I'm reading this today. My 3 year old fell asleep around 7:30, freaking on-time. We kicked a soft ball around the yard for 15 minutes-- wore him out. The secrets out now 😎
@shoemaker Oh my gosh.. my first was like this. Down by 6-7 nightly with a three hour nap at some point in the day through like 5 years old. My second is a hellion. She won’t sleep.. I think she thinks she is allergic? Anyway I miss sleeping. She’ll be 3 in august. I think I’ve gotten like 5 hours of sleep this week.
@celoxisppm Hope it goes well! Ours is sick as well. Week 6 of absolute hell but it is getting better. Took us weeks to get the doctors to do anything, they just told us to wait it out. Then she got antibiotic eyedrops which she had an allergic reaction to.. so that was fun. Now she has gotten one she can handle and she is almost out of it now. Still wakes up early though.
@shoemaker When my toddler sleeps after 3pm and before 8pm it’s a nap. He always wakes up. He’ll be up until midnight. If I can get him to stay awake without a nap until 8/9 he’ll sleep all the way through the night.
@actionman My 3 year old will often be in bed by 6 or 6:30. She dropped naps awhile ago and so bedtime moved super early. She will go until around 6:15 am and honestly I don’t mind!
@shoemaker Oh man we had a good night too! My daughter only took 25 minutes to fall asleep (as opposed to her usual hour) and was asleep by 8:30 (as opposed to 9:30) and I felt like I won the lottery lol.

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