Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

@confusedbuthopeful I worried wearing noise canceling earphones would be a bad idea with a baby, so when my spouse started snoring one night I just put it in one ear and pressed the other against my pillow. Turns out I can hear baby through the noise canceling if she wakes up lol (or I feel her move) so I don’t have any issues wearing them. I’m a notoriously light sleeper though, even before baby
@confusedbuthopeful My toddler is 18 months and basically entirely self sufficient in the bed at this point. It's definitely not how I would have let her sleep when she was smaller and it's really not very comfortable for me, but she's been sick and wanting to sleep with her head resting on my upper arm the last few days. I had not had to use my earplugs in a while and didn't know where they were. I couldn't get up without moving the toddler's head which would wake her. So I 100% woke his snoring ass up to get up and find my earplugs for me because I was already sleeping terribly due to both the baby being sick and having just hit the third trimester with her little sister, like fuck was I going to listen to him snore restfully while I laid awake. I'm already so uncomfortable just existing in my body that I can barely sleep even in silence.

I won't be wearing earplugs after the newborn arrives even though we're planning to have her in a Finnish box, not bedsharing directly. Maybe your husband can try those nasal strips that pry the nostrils open to prevent snoring? Mine asked me to let him know if his snoring continues to be bad and he would get some.
@confusedbuthopeful I wear earplugs when taking naps w baby to drown out the sound of the 4 year old playing with daddy. It’s really good for blocking his high pitched voice. But I can still hear when my 4 month old makes little noises right next to me. Mommy senses tingling!
@mirawga Snoring occurs because there is a partial obstruction of the airway so mouth taking without a CPAP just puts them at higher risk for apneas and lack of oxygen. Unfortunately it doesn’t correct the snoring because it doesn’t keep the airway open, just prevents them from getting the additional oxygen through the mouth.
@confusedbuthopeful At first I wore earplugs and he got a CPAP, but that was 5 years ago. When we had our son 1.5 years ago it just became easier for him to sleep in the other room. He helped with nights until about 7 months and then I took over. He also wakes up at 3am.

There was one night I had just gotten our son back to sleep and then his alarm went off at 3. RAGE
@letgo08 lol 😂 I do wake him up. And he moves to the couch. I just have this romantic idea of the family bed and us all sleeping together in one room and so I try to stick it out hahaha that’s my bad.
@confusedbuthopeful I’m going to be honest, I wear earplugs…I always have and I can’t sleep without them. I’m sensitive to every little noise and a very light sleeper. My partner also snores and I’d never get any sleep if I didn’t wear them. I still hear my baby when she grunts or fusses even with them in. And mostly I feel her move. Probably controversial but I don’t know how I’d sleep without them.
@mom3222 I appreciate the honesty! I’m a little surprised that the responses have been more mixed than I thought, I was expecting to get roasted for even thinking about it! I feel pretty confident that I’d still be adequately responsive to my baby but still a little hesitant. I’m definitely not judging.
@mom3222 Same here! Everyone thinks I’m weird but even with my husband out of the room I still wear them. I always wondered and worried about how I’d do when I had a child but I swear moms have a sixth sense. I know when my baby is awake and I’ll pop right up.
@confusedbuthopeful I wore earplugs before baby as well, can’t now because it’s unsafe. I sent husband to the air mattress in another room. My daughter & I sleep great. I love him to death, but mama needed her rest. Everyone is happy. Win win.