He’s asleep before 7…

@mila This is our schedule as well! I would rather have a few ours in the evening to myself than the morning which is always so busy getting ready for the day.
@shoemaker Same with my 2yo. My friend keeps telling me to drop the nap and get 12 hours overnight and I’m like uhh, as a SAHM, fuck no lol I need that midday break. Also he clearly still needs the nap.
@chy We’ve always been quite strict with schedules. I know it’s not for everyone but we’ve literally never put either of them to bed later than 8pm. Part of it is that they’re good sleepers but we put a ton of work into it.
@pajamapanda A rock solid bedtime routine that doesn’t deviate ever, no matter who puts them down. A sleep sack is a huge sleep cue for my kids and as soon as they were in it and being sung their bed song they got tired.
@caoc24843 Yup. Tonight my 4 year old looked at me after I read her bedtime story and said “Can you…leave?”

Lol, door closed by 7:30, she was asleep soon after!
@mt123 I co-slept with my kids for the first year(ish) then sleep trained working with a sleep consultant. We have a rock solid bedtime routine that takes 15 minutes and are very consistent with schedules.
@caoc24843 My child will not sleep more that 8-9 hours at night. He takes a 2-3 hour nap everyday at least and he sleeps all the way through the night. I try to shorten his naps but it’s incredibly difficult to get him to wake up before he’s ready.