Hating my postpartum body


New member

I’m nearly 3 years postpartum and absolutely hate my body.

I read that pregnancy/breastfeeding will cause your boobs to sag, ok fine. But my boobs are just GONE. Literally it’s just nipple on chest like a pre-pubescent boy. I used to have a small B cup, now it’s barely an AA cup. When I turn sideways in the mirror, my stomach sticks out further than my boobs do. I sleep in a bra to avoid looking at them and avoid mirrors before the shower at all costs because I just end up crying and/or pissed off.

I’ve considered surgery but realistically won’t go through with it. Has anyone else experienced this that the boobs are just non-existent after pregnancy? I googled to find people that have had the same issue and the only thing that came up was the sagging. I feel so shitty and un-womanly. Am I an anomaly or what the hell is wrong with me? This is on top of not being able to lose the last 5 pounds no matter how hard I try and just cellulite covering my legs after pregnancy too :(
@nordstrom Yes my boobs are gone. I’m stil breastfeeding my two year old. But guess what? I’m strong af and I can run super far. I honestly get so much more happiness and satisfaction from fitness now. But I know of at least 3 women my age in my group who’ve recently had mommy makeover (lift/implants, tummy tuck) I’m 41 by the way. .
@nordstrom Me! I swear I’m flatter than I was when I was barely a teenager/I look like a Dr Seuss character. I think the worst part is that it’s just such a dramatic difference and it’s front and center, especially when you’re going to change or shower. This didn’t happen to me after my first but did after my second who is just over a year. I know my husband doesn’t give a fuck, but clothes don’t fit the way they used to whatsoever and I just want something more than a nipple! I don’t see myself doing anything about it except whining to myself though. All cheats are beautiful, im just not used to my apparently new body yet. Solidarity!
@livingfree77 Hahaha love the Dr Seuss reference. I feel the same! Your post made me feel better in that I’m not alone. It also happened after my 2nd so we’re alike there as well. I’m trying to remind myself that I housed 2 beautiful babies and breastfed them both for a year each but then I look in the mirror and get a bit down. Being a mother is no joke! Big hugs to you!
@nordstrom I know that the opinion of others rarely matters when it comes to how we view ourselves. Still, I want to say, 5 pounds is very little, cellulite is natural (all of this is) and small breasts are just as beautiful as any other size❤️
I knew someone who was completely flat after having her children. I didn’t know her before but she said she had been a C cup. You’re not alone there. I’m only a month and a half pp myself, it’s very hard at times to look in the mirror and see how much has changed. If breast augmentation will help you to be ok with your body, maybe just keep mulling it over. I’m someone with the opposite problem and I’m scared of surgery. I don’t know what will happen but right now I’m pretty determined to have a reduction because I know I will be happier with the way I look and feel if I do. I want my child to see that it’s ok to change things if it will genuinely make her happier in life. I hope you learn to love your body as it is or find a way to make things look and feel the way you want them to. Either way, I hope you end up happy. Good luck❤️
Edited for typo
@spicedmind21 Thank you for your response! You’re a month and a half pp so you’re in the toughest stage ❤️ congrats on your baby and I hope the transition hasn’t been too tough. It helps to know I’m not alone in this and we’re all struggling in one way or another. Big hugs!
@nordstrom It happened to me, the boob thing. One day I woke up and one boob was absolutely gone... I used to be a B and suddenly there was only nipple. Fortunately, only lasted like 3 days...could it be hormonal? have you checked yours? I started my birth control pills and I thought that helped with the boob disappearance but honestly i don't know. What I can tel you is that I felt equally bad about it when it happened to me and I don't know what I would have done... But I guess I would totally consider breast implants if it's depressing me so much. Sometimes plastic surgery helps so much with self-esteem, but I would combine it with therapy. There's a lot of spa treatments for your legs (like endermologie) and they actually work, they make cellulite becomes less visible (gettng tan also helps with visuals) and skins feels better. It takes a few sessions tho. I feel like shit too honestly, about my body, and when feeling so down is really hard to start taking care of ourselves, but we need to for the sake of our mental health and our babies :)
@nordstrom This happened with my mom and I fully expect out to happen to me. It didn’t seem to happen with my sister but she was always heavier set than my mother and me. I’m currently still breastfeeding so I’m slightly bigger than I used to be but I started at 30B/C and I’m currently a 32B/C

Edit: I’ve always been very thin so not much of a stomach rn. Heavier than I was pre pregnancy by 5 lbs of fat but likely I’ll just look completely flat from the side after I’m done breastfeeding.
@nordstrom TBH, ur opinion of urself is what counts most. A lil extra weight, cellulite, or smaller breasts don't define ur beauty. B kind to urself during this post-pregnancy phase. If breast augm. brings you happiness, contemplate it more. Remember, any change u make should b for ur happiness. Whichever path u choose, GL & rem, self-love is key. ❤️