Has anyone got a mountain buggy urban jungle with carrycot plus?

@neilhall Yes. It has been great. We also had a compatible car seat for the first 6 months. We also got a stand for the carrycot. LO slept in the carrycot for first 6 months of life. You will need to buy or make some additional sheets for the carrycot though, it only comes with one and it is difficult to remove. The mattress of course is not an easy shape to make sheets for either. We didn't find the rear facing pram attachment much good, went straight from carrycot/car seat to forward facing. The urban jungle is fine on reasonablly rough unpaved tracks. Haven't tested it for runnning though. The only issue is that it is relatively heavy and bulky so I wouldn't choose it as a pram if you have a small car.
@neilhall We have both the MB Swift and the Duet. I LOVE them. I’m in the states and strollers with the lay flat/safe sleep space are few and far between so we didn’t have too many options. For babe #1 we did the swift with the carry cot. For babe #2 we did the Duet with the cocoon rather than the carry cot. The cocoon was less expensive and less hassle. But it was considerably smaller than the carry cot.

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