Has anyone else already written their birth plan?

@pariaman I don’t have an exact birth plan (and probably never will) but I plan on a home birth with just my partner and a midwife or doula (or both? Haven’t researched the difference yet tbh). No pain killers, no drive to/from a hospital. My partner spent 2 months last year in 2 different hospitals and both hospitals were absolute nightmares which just solidified my dream of a home birth. My mom gave birth to me & my older sister at home and had great experiences both times. I would also consider a water birth.

I also am considering not having ultrasounds too but I haven’t mentioned that to my partner yet. It just seems to add extra stress. “Baby’s measuring this, baby’s measuring that, you need to be induced, baby might have a health condition/might not” etc. I’d rather not have the stress of a false alarm. Also I live in a red state in the US and doctors can withhold information about your baby’s health if there’s a risk you will terminate. So yeah, I’m going to stay as far away from the US healthcare system as possible.