Going on runs when children are home? Making time?

@thyron291 Can you train on a running track? Some public parks have them. Then, your kids could set up in the middle and just chill with toys/electronics, weather permitting.
@thyron291 I trained for Ragnar when my kiddo was 8. On a treadmill in the safety of my home while he was asleep. It was absolutely not the ideal way to train for Ragnar, but kids' safety/needs come first.

I did buy him some running shoes and took him on a few trail runs but we went at his speed and it was also not ideal training.
@thyron291 I have a long road in front of my home that's about the length of a football field. I'm up at 445am and out the door. I stick to that one street because I can keep an eye on the house while my son is still sleeping. It obviously gets boring as hell, but atm it's just what I have to do. My son knows where I am and that if he so happens to wake up, all he has to do is step on to the porch and holler if he needs me.
@thyron291 My compromise to running outside is to do it before I pick up my daughter from after-school care. It's the only time, besides the weekends where she either runs with me, rides her bike or heads over to grandmas for a bit. The treadmill would mess up my knees so it's just not an option. The fresh air is much needed.

Or I go to the gym that has child care. Both are the only times I can workout kid free.
@thyron291 It depends on how mature your kids are. Do they have your number memorized? Have you done practice emergency senerios with them? Do they know what to do without hesitation in the event of a fire? Do they know what to do if you dont come back, like if something happened to you? Who would they call for help? I think 9 can definitely be old enough with the right kids.
@thyron291 That’s to young and In most places illegal. You’re a single parent. Sometimes that means sacrifices. I’m a single mom I get that it sucks and a treadmill is boring but it’s the only logical way to do both beyond getting a sitter to come over for an hour or something.
@thyron291 As a single dad I like to stay in shape but this is special lol I would say buy a compact Elliptical or if you have the space/budget buy a full size Treadmill that folds against the wall....legally speaking its negligent parenting (intentional) to leave kids home for short periods of time.

Legally in NY the age is 11 that you can leave the youth home without issues. not all day obviously, this was told to us by the school (NYC)
@thyron291 https://letgrow.org

Your kids will be fine. Probably better, if you give them some sort of independence. Make sure they can contract you in case of emergency and that you could Uber back. (No trail runs, etc). Make sure they can contact other trusted family or emergency services.

If you’re feeling wary, start with runs around the block. That are 30-45 min where you don’t check in but you’re close by.

Then go to runs that maybe loop your neighborhood.

Then maybe 4-6 mile out and backs

Your kids will grow in confidence and it will be amazing.
@thyron291 Do you have a local YMCA?
I’m thinking if you sign up for a family membership and convince the YMCA to do a weekly marathon club run then the kids can hang out at the YMCA (which for that age they are semi-supervised) while you go on a group run, come back, get showered and changed, maybe let them swim for a little bit and then head home.