GF’s period is a week late, 3 weeks after plan B


New member
So on 5th of Jan my condom broke without either of us realising, she took plan B very next morning on the 5th. It’s now the 25th, and her period was due 6 days ago. I know plan B can mess with cycles, and it’s not unusual for it to be late, but she’s apparently been feeling bloated for the last 3-5 days, and also getting swollen breasts. She has been very stressed about it all which I know can further mess with cycles.

What do people think are chances are? Would now be an appropriate time to take a test? Just not sure what to do and suggest to her as I don’t want to stress her out even more but I am starting to get a bit worried
@globalwolf It's possible that she's pregnant. If she has a 28 day cycle and her period was due on the 19th then she probably ovulated around the 5th. If she ovulated before she took the Plan B then it wouldn't have been able to prevent the ovulation and thus pregnancy could still have occured. I'd take a test, it should be accurate with her period being 6 days late.
@cakemom Ok thank you. So you’re saying if she ovulated before the plan b was taken then it wouldn’t have been effective? Is there not still something it could have done even after ovulation?
Sorry we’re only 18 and quite new to all this
@globalwolf My understanding is that Plan B can also make it harder for a fertilized egg to implant, so it can still help! But it's most effective when taken before ovulation because its main function is delaying ovulation.

I'm not trying to scare you - it's totally possible that it did work - but I feel like you should have an explanation if you discover that it didn't work.
@cakemom Yeah don’t worry I totally get what you’re saying, it’s much appreciated. I guess next step is just testing then really. She thinks that she ovulated the same day it happened or maybe the day before (according to an app so I guess not 100% accurate but who knows), which I guess is just our bad luck but she took the plan B less than 12 hours after it happened so it seems as though we’ve done all we can at this point and just gotta hope for the best